Dr. Tarek T. Ali, is a Professor of Physical Chemistry at Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Arab Republic of Egypt. Previously, he appointed as an Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He holds his PhD in Physical Chemistry from South Valley University, Egypt in collaboration with Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan. He spent one year as a visiting scholar at New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHE), Tohoku University, Japan, and as a Guest Scientist with Tohoku University (Japan), Alexander Universität (Germany) and University of Pardubice (Czech Republic). His research interests includes nano-composite metal oxides synthesis and its catalytic applications, oxidation catalysis, acid – base catalysis, photocatalysis, surface and bulk characterization, green chemistry, selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides. Dr Tarek is author or co-author of many peer – reviewed publications and also the PI and co-PI of various interdisciplinary projects. He is a reviewer for more than 25 international journals and participate in the organization of many international conference and workshops. Dr Ali is the main advisor and co-advisor of 5 MSc thesis and 1 PhD thesis in surface chemistry, and catalysis area. He is a member of ACS, RSC, CSJ, CSC and ESSP scientific societies. He received training courses in electron microscopy, surface area and chemisorption analyzer, and (DIFFRACPlus) basic X-ray diffraction course. Dr Tarek was awarded an outstanding research award in 2010 and from 2014 to 2017 from the deanship of scientific research at KAU.