
Asso.Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Hussein

Assistant Professor - قائم بعمل وكيل كلية الهندسة للدراسات العليا والبحوث

Faculty of engineering

Address: سوهاج - مدينة ناصر - أمام مدرسة اللغات التجريبية


Special Informations: Asso.Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Hussein
Full Name Asso.Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Hussein
Gender Male
birth date 1967-11-07
Faculty Faculty of engineering
Degree Assistant Professor
Address سوهاج - مدينة ناصر - أمام مدرسة اللغات التجريبية
Current Position قائم بعمل وكيل كلية الهندسة للدراسات العليا والبحوث
Academic Information
General Specialization هندسة أنشائية
Specialization ميكانيكا التربة والأساسات
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic تأثير تسليح طبقات الرمل بالألياف الصناعية على التأثير المتداخل بين التربة والمنشأ
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic إتزان الأساسات المرتكزة على ميول رملية مسلحة وغير مسلحة
Title of PhD thesis in English Stabilty of Footings on Reinforced and Unreinforced Sandy Slopes
Supervisory and administrative functions مشرف على وكالة الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب سابقا - قائم بعمل رئيس قسم الهندسة المدنية منذ عام 2016 وحتى الأن
Phone 1001861564
Mobile 01110500570
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A brief about me





Family name               : Hussein

Name                           : Mohamed

Present Occupation    :- Associate Professor, Head of civil Engineeringو  Department, Faculty of    Engineering – Sohag University.

Telephone:                        002-093-4608175

Cell phone No:                +2-010-1861564- 01110500570



B.Sc., Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, with overall grade "Very Good", 1991.

Graduation Project "Construction Engineering" with Grade "excellent"

M.Sc., Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, 2000.

Specialization: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

Thesis Topic "Effect of Geosynthetic Reinforced Sand Cushion on Soil-Structure Interaction”.

Ph.D., Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, 2006.

Specialization: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

Thesis Topic "Stability of Footings on Reinforced and Unreinforced Sandy Slopes”.

Post Doctor, Tokyo University, Faculty of engineering, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Eng. Department. From 4/10/2007 to 3/8/2008.   


Job History:

1) Design, Workshop Drawing, Manufacture and Erection Engineer in" Adelco for Construction and Engineering Industries", Egypt (1991).

2) Site Civil Engineer, The Executive Organization for Industrial and Mining Projects (IMC) , Egypt (1993).

3)  Assistant lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Qena (2002)

4) Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Qena (2006)

5) A member in Engineering Center for Consultant and Design Engineering  in El-Azhar university from 1/11/2006  to 11/9/2012.

5) Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sohag University (2012).

6) Responsible for Student Affairs (2012)

7) Head of Systems Unit Calendar Students and Examinations.(2013)

8) Chairman of the Committee for Graduate Studies and Research (2013)

9) A member in Engineering Center for Consultant and Development Services in Sohag University from 12/9/2012 up till now.

10) I hold the title of Consultant Soil Mechanics and Foundations from the Engineers Syndicate since 2006.


 Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering (Under Graduate).

 Earthquake Engineering (Under Graduate).

 Soil Improvement (Under Graduate).

 Geotechnical Engineering (Under Graduate).

 Final Year Integrated Design Project (Under Graduate).


 Soil Reinforcement

 Behavior of Foundations on Sloping Soil.

 Bearing Capacity of Soil

 Soil Liquefaction


1) Abd-Elmageed, K.M., Fathalla M.El Amin and Mohamed, M.A. (1998)“Effect of Gravel-Fabric Sandwitch layer on the sand behaviour under footing", Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt. Vol.26, No.2, July 1998.

2) Abd-Elmageed, K.M., Fathalla M.El Amin and Mohamed, M.A. (2001) “Behaviour of A Geogrid Material under Tensile Force", Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt. Vol.29, No.3, September 2001.

3) Abd-Elmageed, K.M., Fathalla M.El Amin and Mohamed, M.A. (2001)“Behaviour of Sand bed Reinforced by Geosynthetic Material Under A Strip Footing" Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt. Vol.29, No.3, September 2001.

4) Ebraheem, H. R., Mohamed, H. H., Mohamed, M. H.,(2005) "Experimental and Numerical Study for Stability of Footing/ Reinforced Sandy Slope System" Soil Mechanics and Foundations, the Egyptian Geotechnical Society, EGS, Vol.16, No.1,

5) Ebraheem, H. R., Mohamed, H. H., Mohamed, M. H.,(2005) "Experimental and Numerical Study for Stability of Footing/ Sandy Slope System" Soil Mechanics and Foundations, the Egyptian Geotechnical Society, EGS, Vol.16, No.2.

6) Bahmanpour, I. Towhata, M. A. Sakr, M. Mahmoud, Y. Yamamoto, S. Yamada: (2009)“The Effect of Underground Columns on the Mitigation of the Liquefaction in Shaking Table Model Experiments”, The proceedings of the IS Tokyo 2009, Japan, 15-18 June, Pp 1153-1160.

7) Mohammed, H. and Towhata, I.(2010)"Behaviour of Encased Rammed aggregate Pier"AL-Azher Engineering, 12th International Conference, December 21- 23.

8) Mohamed Mahmoud A. Hussein (2012)"Bearing Capacity Factor  for Ring Footings Using the Finite Element Method" Journal of El-Azher University, Engineering Sector, (JAUES), vol.7 No.23 April , PP. 899-912.

9) Mohammed, M.A. Hussein (2013)"Behaviour of Circular and Ring Footings on Reinforced Sand" Housing &Building Research Center, HBRC Journal(Accepted 25-11-2013)

10)  Mohammed, M.A. Hussein (2014) "Stability of Strip Footing on Sand Bed with Circular Void" Journal of Engineering sciences, Faculty of Eng. Assuit University

11) Mohammed, M.A. Hussein (2014)"Stability of Strip Footing on Reinforced and Unreinforced Sand Bed with Void" AL-Azhar Eng. Thirteenth Int. Con. December 23-25, 2014.

12) Ebraheem H. R., Abdel-Aziz A. . H. S., Mohammed M.A. H. and Diaa-Eldin A. K.   (2015)"Numerical Analysis of  Footing on Soft Clay Reinforced with Stone Columns" International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering,  ICASGE’15  6-9 April 2015, Hurghada, Egypt

13) Abd Ellatief.M, Mohamed.M.A. Hussein  and Abdo.H  (2015)"Geotechnical and Mineralogical studies on expansive Soil at Qena Region, Egypt" International Journal of Scientific &Engineering Research (IJSER).

14) ) Ebraheem H. R., Abdel-Aziz A. H. S., Mohammed M.A. H. and Diaa-Eldin A. K.   (2016)"Effect of Stone Density and Stone Cushion on the Behavior of Soft  Soils Improved by Stone Columns" Life Science Journal 2016;13(4).

15) Mohammed, M.A. Hussein (2016)  "Effect of Different Water Types on Expansive Soil Behavior" Life   Science Journal 2016;13(3).

16) Mostafa. A. Abd-Elnaim, Mohamed.M.Hussein,Mamdouh A.Kenawi and Mohamed.G. Shalkhoun "Influence of pile supporting excavation properties on existing pile foundations" 9th Alexandria International Conference on structural and Geotechnical Engineering, AICSGE9,19-21 December 2016. 

17) Abd Ellatief. M, Mohamed.M.A. Hussein and Abdo.H "Effect of Bagasse Ash on The Behavior of Expansive Clay in EL-Salheya Area, Qena, Egypt" International conference on advances in structural and geotechnical engineering , hurghada, Egypt, 27- 30 march, 2017.

18) Mohammed, M.A. Hussein "Effect of Sand Compaction Piles on the Behavior of Expansive Soil" 19th International Conference on soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 17-22 September 2017,Coex, Seoul, Korea.

19) Abd Ellatief. M, Mohamed.M.A. Hussein and Abdo.H "Geotechnical Properties of Expansive Clay Shale in El-Mahrowsa, Qena, Egypt, Under J. Wasowski et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology and Geological Engineering for Sustainable Use of the Earth’s Resources, Urbanization and Infrastructure Protection from Geohazards, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-61648-3_3, 2018

20) A. Bahmanpoura,⁎, I. Towhatab, M. Sakrc, M. Mahmoudd, Y.   Yamamotoe, S. Yamadaf "The effect of underground columns on the mitigation of liquefaction shaking table model experiments" Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 116(2019), Pp.15-30.