
علي محمد علي عبد الرحمن

استاذ مساعد - استاذ مساعد

كلية الطب

العنوان: كلية طب سوةاج


المعلومات الشخصية: علي محمد علي عبد الرحمن
الاسم بالكامل علي محمد علي عبد الرحمن
البريد الإلكتروني
النوع ذكر
تاريخ الميلاد 1969-04-01
الكلية كلية الطب
الدرجة الوظيفية استاذ مساعد
العنوان كلية طب سوةاج
المنصب الحالي استاذ مساعد
البيانات الأكاديمية
التخصص العام باطنة عامة
التخصص الدقيق علاج الاورام
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة العربية دور الاشعة القريبة ذات المعدل العالى فى علاج الاورام
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة الإنجليزية The role of high dose rate afterloading brachytherapy in cancer treatment
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة العربية العلاج الاشعاعى ثلاثى الابعاد فى علاج سرطان البروستاتا
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة الإنجليزية Three dimensional radiotherapy in treatment of cancer prostate
الوظائف الإشرافية و الإدارية الاشراف على رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراة بالقسم
رقم الهاتف 1005458454
الفاكس 934605745
رقم الجوال 01012803103
رابط صفحة الفيس بوك
رابط صفحة تويتر
Google Scholar
Research Gate
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نبذه مختصرة



Job title: Assistant Professor

Last Name: Abdel-Rahman

First Name: Ali Mohamed Ali

Age: 49 yr

Languages: Arabic, English (IELETS, band 7) and, acceptable level in French

Marital status: married

Country: Egypt

Email address:,





Name: The Royal College of Radiologists

Town/City: London

Country: UK

Qualifications gained: FRCR, 1st part, Spring 2011.


Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University

Town/City: Sohag

Country: Egypt

Qualifications gained: MD (Ph D) in radiation oncology,2006.



Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University


Country: Egypt

Qualifications gained: Master degree in radiation oncology in 1998, grade: very good.



Name: Faculty of Medicine, University of Assiut

Town/City: Assiut

Country: Egypt

Qualifications gained: MB BCh, 1992. General grade: Very Good.





Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University Hospital

Job Title: Assistant Professor

Date employed from: Oct 2014  

Date employed to: Until now

Brief Description of duties         :

Planning for radiotherapy and provision of essential radiotherapy services for the patients.

Treatment of cancer by cytotoxic drugs.

Teaching of undergraduates in clinical rounds and taking part in administration.

                                           PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS



Name: Hospitals of  University of Assiut.

Job Title: House officer (training course for one year after graduation from the faculty of medicine), conducted in the departments of surgery, general medicine, gynecology &obstetrics, pediatrics, emergency and, radiology (the specialty of interest).                  

Date employed from: March 1993        

Date employed to: Feb 1994

Brief Description of duties         : take care of patients in unsocial hours of work shifts.            



Name: Sohag University Hospital, Sohag Faculty of Medicine and, Kasr El Eini Center of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine (NEMROCK), Cairo University, Egypt.

Job Title: House resident (registrar)

Date employed from: March 1994         

Date employed to: June 1999

Brief Description of duties         : Supervision of patients care, takes night calls, participate in outpatient clinic and simulation and, organize conference schedules.



Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University Hospital

Job Title: Assistant lecturer

Date employed from: June 1999

Date employed to: Oct.2006

Brief Description of duties         :

Planning for radiotherapy and provision of essential radiotherapy services for the patients.

Treatment of cancer by cytotoxic drugs.

Teaching of undergraduates in clinical rounds and taking part in administration.



Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University Hospital

Job Title: lecturer

Date employed from: Oct.2006  

Date employed to: Oct.2014

Brief Description of duties         :

The same as in the section of assistant professor.


Scientific activities


  1. 1. The role of HDR brachytherapy in treatment of cancers : An essay submitted to Sohag Faculty of Medicine for partial fulfillment of the Master Degree in Radiation Oncology.
  2. The role of three dimensional radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer prostate: A retrospective study conducted in CHUV, Switzerland (Oct 2003-June 2004) and submitted to Sohag Faculty of Medicine for partial fulfillment of MD degree (Ph.D) in Radiation Oncology.


  1. An abstract on treatment of localized cancer prostate by Iodine 125 seeds published in posters / Cancer / Radiothérapi in Dec 2008.
  2. A retrospective study on the treatment of localized cancer prostate by Iodine 125 seeds, published in Cancer / Radiothérapi in Oct 2009.
  3. A review article on the role of beta irradiation in the treatment of pterygium. Published in Cancer/Radiotherapié, July 2010.
  4. A retrospective study on Compliance with fluoride custom trays in irradiated head and neck cancer patients. A multicenter French study published in Supportive Care In Cancer September 2011.
  5. A letter to the editors published in the International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics in January 2012. It is a comment on Low Or High Fractionation Dose β-Radiotherapy For Pterygium? A Randomized Clinical Trial Gustavo AV, et Al.
  6. A review article on Radiation induced nephropathy. Published in Bulletin du Cancer in March 2012.
  7. 9. A retrospective study on The Role of Radiation Therapy in Pediatric Mucoepidermoid Carcinomas of the Salivary Glands. Published in J Pediatr. 2012 Nov.
  8. The Impact of Radiotherapy and Concomitant Weekly Cisplatin on Treatment outcome of Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Published in Kasr El-Aini J.Clin.Oncol.Nuclear.Med.Vol.8:3-4;2013: 34-43.
  9. The outcome of treatment of localized cancer prostate in the Governorate of Souhag. Published in The Medical Journal of Cairo University. Vol 82(2),2014.
  10. 12. Irradiation des sarcomes cardiaques de l’adulte Radiation therapy of cardiac sarcomas. Published in Cancer/Radiothérapie 18 (2014) 125–131.



  1. An experience in planning and treatment by three dimensional conformal radiotherapy and high dose rate brachytherapy through my working in CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland from October 2003 to July 2004, in Center Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, France from November 2007 to August 2008, as a research fellow in both and as a clinical observer in both St.Georgeʼs and, St Thomas and Guy”s Hospitals, London from Dec 2009 to July 2010.
  2. An experience in research work and dealing with SPSS statistical programs.
  3. Practiced and acquired skills in diagnosis of cancer, planning for radiotherapy and provision of essential radiotherapy services for patients.
  4. Practiced and acquired skills in treatment of cancer by cytotoxic drugs.
  5. Some experience in diagnosis and treatment by open isotope therapy.
  6. Being a lecturer in radiation oncology, I am sharing in teaching of undergraduates and residents.

Grants obtained

  1. One year grant from Swiss Government from July 2003 to June 2004. For conducting a thesis for MD degree in medicine in Lausanne, Switzerland.


  1. Nine month postdoctoral scholarship provided by Egyptian Government from Nov 2007 to Aug 2008 conducted in Nice, France.


  1. Six month clinical attachment in St Georges Hospital, London from Dec 2009 to May 2010.


  1. Two month clinical attachment in St Thomas and Guy”s Hospitals, London from 15/05 to 15/07/2010.


  1. Two month clinical attachment in St.Georgeʼs Hosp. from mid June 2011 to mid August 2011.


  1. Two and half month clinical attachment in Royal Marsden Hospital, Fulham Road, London. From 03/10/2011 to 31/10 2011 and from the 23rd Jan to the 2th March 2012.