الاسم بالكامل | علي محمد علي عبد الرحمن |
البريد الإلكتروني | ali.mohamed.ali@med.sohag.edu.eg |
النوع | ذكر |
تاريخ الميلاد | 1969-04-01 |
الكلية | كلية الطب |
الدرجة الوظيفية | استاذ مساعد |
العنوان | كلية طب سوةاج |
المنصب الحالي | استاذ مساعد |
التخصص العام | باطنة عامة |
التخصص الدقيق | علاج الاورام |
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة العربية | دور الاشعة القريبة ذات المعدل العالى فى علاج الاورام |
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة الإنجليزية | The role of high dose rate afterloading brachytherapy in cancer treatment |
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة العربية | العلاج الاشعاعى ثلاثى الابعاد فى علاج سرطان البروستاتا |
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة الإنجليزية | Three dimensional radiotherapy in treatment of cancer prostate |
الوظائف الإشرافية و الإدارية | الاشراف على رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراة بالقسم |
رقم الهاتف | 1005458454 |
الفاكس | 934605745 |
رقم الجوال | 01012803103 |
رابط صفحة الفيس بوك | https://web.facebook.com/?_rdc=1&_rdr |
رابط صفحة تويتر | https://twitter.com/?precache=1 |
Google Scholar | |
Linked | https://www.linkedin.com/feed/?midToken=AQGIr2PGIB9WjQ&trk=eml-network_updates_digest-header-772-home&trkEmail=eml-network_updates_digest-header-772-home-null-24k98d~jnehh4te~zv-null-neptune%2Ffeed |
Research Gate | |
EKP بنك المعرفة المصري |
Job title: Assistant Professor
Last Name: Abdel-Rahman
First Name: Ali Mohamed Ali
Age: 49 yr
Languages: Arabic, English (IELETS, band 7) and, acceptable level in French
Marital status: married
Country: Egypt
Email address: amali69eg@yahoo.com, Ali_abdelrahman@med.sohag.edu.eg
Name: The Royal College of Radiologists
Town/City: London
Country: UK
Qualifications gained: FRCR, 1st part, Spring 2011.
Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University
Town/City: Sohag
Country: Egypt
Qualifications gained: MD (Ph D) in radiation oncology,2006.
Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University
Country: Egypt
Qualifications gained: Master degree in radiation oncology in 1998, grade: very good.
Name: Faculty of Medicine, University of Assiut
Town/City: Assiut
Country: Egypt
Qualifications gained: MB BCh, 1992. General grade: Very Good.
Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University Hospital
Job Title: Assistant Professor
Date employed from: Oct 2014
Date employed to: Until now
Brief Description of duties :
Planning for radiotherapy and provision of essential radiotherapy services for the patients.
Treatment of cancer by cytotoxic drugs.
Teaching of undergraduates in clinical rounds and taking part in administration.
Name: Hospitals of University of Assiut.
Job Title: House officer (training course for one year after graduation from the faculty of medicine), conducted in the departments of surgery, general medicine, gynecology &obstetrics, pediatrics, emergency and, radiology (the specialty of interest).
Date employed from: March 1993
Date employed to: Feb 1994
Brief Description of duties : take care of patients in unsocial hours of work shifts.
Name: Sohag University Hospital, Sohag Faculty of Medicine and, Kasr El Eini Center of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine (NEMROCK), Cairo University, Egypt.
Job Title: House resident (registrar)
Date employed from: March 1994
Date employed to: June 1999
Brief Description of duties : Supervision of patients care, takes night calls, participate in outpatient clinic and simulation and, organize conference schedules.
Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University Hospital
Job Title: Assistant lecturer
Date employed from: June 1999
Date employed to: Oct.2006
Brief Description of duties :
Planning for radiotherapy and provision of essential radiotherapy services for the patients.
Treatment of cancer by cytotoxic drugs.
Teaching of undergraduates in clinical rounds and taking part in administration.
Name: Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University Hospital
Job Title: lecturer
Date employed from: Oct.2006
Date employed to: Oct.2014
Brief Description of duties :
The same as in the section of assistant professor.
Scientific activities
Grants obtained