
Mohamed Nasreldin Thabit Hamdoon

Assistant Professor - Assistant Professor in Neuropsychiatry department

Faculty of medicine

Address: Department of neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag Univertsity, Sohag, Egypt


Special Informations: Mohamed Nasreldin Thabit Hamdoon
Full Name Mohamed Nasreldin Thabit Hamdoon
Gender Male
birth date 1977-07-13
Faculty Faculty of medicine
Degree Assistant Professor
Address Department of neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag Univertsity, Sohag, Egypt
Current Position Assistant Professor in Neuropsychiatry department
Academic Information
General Specialization Neuropsychiatry
Specialization Neurology
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic النوبات الصرعية غير عضوية المنشا صعوبة التشخيص دراسة اكلينيكية ، بيوكيميائية ، فسيولوجية عصبية
Title of Master's Thesis in English Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures "Diagnostic difficulty" clinical, biochemical, electrophysiological study
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic تنبيه المخ الخارجى هل يعتبر استراتيجية جديدة لتاهيل مرضى السكتة الدماغية؟
Title of PhD thesis in English Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Is it a new strategy to improve neurorehabilitation of stroke?
Phone 20934608860
Mobile 0201004934646
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A brief about me

My CV include:

*- Personal informations

*- Contact informations.

*- Qualifications, memberships, and documentation informations.

*- Courses attendance, and speciality informations.

*- Adminestrative, national, and international activities.

*- Conferences, Workshops attendance and collaborations.

*- Scientific supervision of researche articles, thesis, essay. or projects.

*- Scientific evaluation of researche articles, thesis, essay, and projects.

*- National reviewing (suprim council of Universities for staff promotion), and international beer reviewing activities.

*- Honors, and prizes activities.

*- Publications and conferences presentations.