
Moayed Mohamed

Teadching-Assistant - مدرس مساعد في قسم الكهرباء- كلية التعليم الصناعي- جامعة سوهاج

Faculty of industrial education

Address: خلف المدينة الجامعية للطالبات- سوهاج



Publications Which contain the keyword:

2024-07-14 22:23:51 Keywords Bilastine, Montelukast sodium, ,
Development of a green synchronous spectrofluorimetric technique for simultaneous determination of Montelukast Sodium and Bilastine in Pharmaceutical Formulations
For the treatment of rhinitis and asthma, a combination of Montelukast sodium and Bilastine has just been approved. Based on the first derivative of synchronous fluorescence, the current work developed a green, highly accurate, sensitive, and selective spectroscopic approach for estimating Montelukast sodium and Bilastine in pharmaceutical dosage form without previous separation. The selected technique focuses on measuring the synchronized ... Read more

2024-07-14 22:19:05 Keywords Spectrofluorimetry, midodrine, ,
Utility of dansyl chloride for the establishment of a sensitive spectrofluorimetric approach for estimating midodrine hydrochloride: application to content uniformity testing
A new, straightforward spectrofluorimetric approach with high sensitivity was established for determining midodrine hydrochloride based on derivatizing this drug through its reaction with 5- (dimethylamino)naphthalene-1-sulfonyl chloride (dansyl chloride). The highly fluorescent product was extracted with methylene chloride, and then its emission was measured at 532 nm after excitation at 339 nm. The reaction was conducted in aqueous medium containing 0.1 ... Read more

2024-07-14 22:06:52 Keywords erythrosine B, naftidrofuryl, ,
Validated spectrofluorimetric and resonance Rayleigh scattering methods for determining naftidrofuryl in varied pharmaceutical samples based on its interaction with erythrosin B
Naftidrofuryl is a vasodilator medication used for treating cerebral and peripheral vascular diseases. In this study, two spectroscopical techniques, spectrofluorimetric and resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS), were utilized to quantify naftidrofuryl in its pharmaceutical samples. The developed methodologies in this study rely on a facile process of forming an association complex between erythrosine B reagent and naftidrofuryl under acidic conditions. The ... Read more

2023-02-13 14:00:19 Keywords Psoriasis, Omentin-1, NB-UVB, ,
Omentin-1 Level in Psoriatic Patients Treated with Narrow Band Ultraviolet B Phototherapy Versus Acitretin: A Randomized Control Trial.
Abstract Background:Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that not fully understood till now. Many treatment options has been implicated. Omentin 1 is anew marker implicated in many diseases. Objectives:To show association betweenserum level of Omentin-1 in psoriatic patients and its correlation with psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score before and after treatment with narrow band ultraviolet B phototherapy ... Read more

2018-09-07 20:32:37 Keywords , ثةشي,
تطوير رياض الأطفال في ضوء خبرات بعض الدول الأجنبية "دراسة ميدانية بمحافظة المنيا"
رسالة ماجستير تطوير رياض الأطفال في ضوء خبرات بعض الدول الأجنبية "دراسة ميدانية بمحافظة المنيا" إعداد الباحثة/ نشوة محمد حسن إبراهيم مصر - جامعة القاهرة مصر - جامعة القاهرة فرع بني سويف - كلية التربية فرع بني سويف - كلية التربية قسم أصول التربية 2000م تفضلوا المستخلص في المرفقات وبالتوفيق Read more

2023-11-22 16:17:22 Keywords Hemodialysis, ADEQUACY, ,
Assessment of Hemodialysis Adequacy in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in the Hemodialysis Unit at Sohag University Hospital
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION evaluation of HD adequacy in patients with ESRD who were being maintained on regular HD in a trial to identify the prevalence and causes of inadequate HD among the patients and the impact of HD adequacy on other parameters. DESIGN AND SETTING:PROSPECTIVE STUDY, AT SOHAG UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL IN EGYPT. METHODS All patients in this study were subjected to ... Read more

2023-05-14 00:01:28 Keywords الطاقة البديلة , ,
دور الطاقة المتجددة فى تحقيق التنمية المستدامة
دور الطاقة المتجددة في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة هدى عبد الشافى شلقامى قسم الكيمياء-كلية العلوم-جامعة سوهاج ملخص الدراسة يواجه العالم تحديا بالغ الاهمية في خلق توازن بين التنمية المستدامة و بين الحفاظ على البيئة, و نظرا لما للطاقة التقليدية من تداعيات و اثار سواء من ناحية استنزافها او ما ينتج عنها من ملوثات ضارة بالبيئة و صحة الانسان, فان العالم يتجه ... Read more

2023-03-13 01:25:55 Keywords , pathogenesis, alopecia areata,
Updates in the Pathogenesis of Alopecia Areata.
Alopecia areata is the most prevalent autoimmune disorder which causes non-scarring hair loss. It may increase the anxiety of patients and increase their chances of developing psychological and psychiatric disorders. There are two proposed theories for the pathogenesis of alopecia areata. The most evidence-based hypothesis is an autoimmune reaction caused by the collapse of hair follicle immune privilege, Immune privilege ... Read more

2022-10-17 23:07:12 Keywords Postharvest, bio-stimulants, ,
Bio-Stiumlants Extend Shelf Life and Maintain Quality of Okra Pods
Abstract Abstract Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.), a tropical annual crop, is a highly perishable vegetable. Okra pods deteriorate rapidly after harvesting. The pods undergo physical and physiological changes that diminish storability and quality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of bio-stimulants on the storability and quality of okra pods stored at 4 °C and 25 °C ... Read more

2022-09-03 19:42:12 Keywords Trichodinosis, Trichodina sp., ,
Histopathological Studies on Trichodinosis of Farmed  Oreochromis niloticus
The present study was planned to study the trichodinosis in the farmed freshwater fish Oreochromis niloticus and investigate the histopathological alterations on the skin and gills. The diseased fish had signs of irritation in the form of erratic swimming, swimming near borders, scratching against hard objects, detached scales, excessive and turbid mucus and ulcerations; and signs of asphyxia in the ... Read more