
ا.م.د./فاطمه على محمود احمد

استاذ مساعد - استاذ مساعد بقسم سلوكيات الحيوان ورعايته- كليه الطب البيطرى -جامعه سوهاج

كلية الطب البيطرى

العنوان: اسيوط -الزهراء--برج النور- الدور العاشر



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: Ligament

2019-02-12 23:18:23 الكلمات المفتاحية Camel, Ligament, Metacarpus, M, Camel, Ligament, Metacarpus, ,
Ultrasonographic study of the flexor tendons and suspensory ligament of the metacarpal/metatarsal region in one-humped camel (Camelus dromedaries)
the flexor tendons in the region of metacarpus and metatarsus of camels were imaged with ultrasound. the tendons included the superfecial and deep flexors and the suspensory ligament which were explored longitudinally and transversly. each tendon had its specific sonographic appearance that has recorded إقراء المزيد

2019-02-12 23:18:23 الكلمات المفتاحية Camel, Ligament, Metacarpus, M, Camel, Ligament, Metacarpus, ,
Ultrasonographic study of the flexor tendons and suspensory ligament of the metacarpal/metatarsal region in one-humped camel (Camelus dromedaries)
the flexor tendons in the region of metacarpus and metatarsus of camels were imaged with ultrasound. the tendons included the superfecial and deep flexors and the suspensory ligament which were explored longitudinally and transversly. each tendon had its specific sonographic appearance that has recorded إقراء المزيد

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