
Prof. Tarek G. Ismail

Professor - Professor

Faculty of science

Address: Zoology Department - Faculty Of Science - Sohag University


2018-10-31 10:34:49 | 0 | Biological Evolution (407Z)
Quiz -Evolution
1. Darwin's theory of natural selection to explain evolution is also known as A. Descent with modification. B. Inheritance of acquired characteristics. C. Uniformitarianism. D. Catastrophism. 2. Lamarck's theory of evolution included the idea that A. There is a natural force in all living things that pushes them toward perfection. B. Local catastrophes cause mass extinctions of species. C. Species ... Read more

2018-10-31 10:23:06 | 0 | Biological Evolution (407Z)
Question 1.
Question 1. This natural philosopher proposed that evolution resulted from the inheritance of acquired characteristics - for example, giraffe offspring acquired longer necks because their parents stretching to reach higher leaves. * Jean-Baptiste Lamarck * Charles Lyell * Alfred Wallace * Thomas Malthus Read more

2018-10-18 09:27:18 | 0 | Biological Evolution (407Z)
First Lecture - part 2
Briefly writ on how NASA in 1996 supported the Cosmic theory of evolution? Read more

2018-10-18 09:23:41 | 0 | Biological Evolution (407Z)
First Lecture
* Evolution is one of the most important and critical ideas that the human mind has created over many years. Discuss? Read more

2018-10-18 09:19:15 | 0 | علم السلوك الحيوانى
طلاب الفرقة الثالثة شعبة العلوم البيولوجية و الجيولوجية - كلية التربية
2. كيف يمكن دراسة سلوك أحد الحيوانات؟ وضح مع أمثلة؟ Read more

2018-10-18 09:17:34 | 0 | علم السلوك الحيوانى
طلاب الفرقة الثالثة شعبةالعلوم  البيولوجية و الجيولوجية
1. أذكر أهداف علم السلوك الحيوانى و كيف يمكن للانسان أن يستفيد منه؟ Read more

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