This paper aims to characterize flooring mortars originating from ruins of industrial workshop associated with Anba Bishoi monastery near Sohag (Egypt) in respect to their possible conservation process. The ruins of the industrial part of this monastic compound are still neglected, while care has been given only to the church. Representative samples of flooring mortar were collected from four different locations. A multidisciplinary approach has been adopted for investigations such as visual inspection, P.M., SEM coupled with EDS, XRD, HCl attack, sieving analysis, DTA and compressive strength tests. Obtained results characterize mineralogical, chemical and mechanical properties of selected mortar samples. Majority of samples show a similarity in types and application. This is applied to multiple layers, usage of lime as a binder and abundant use of brick dust and fragments. The upper layer in most flooring mortars contained brick dust as an artificial pozzolanic material to resist erosion resulted from continues usage of water for long periods. Due to binder/aggregate ratios of most samples they refer to a higher proportion of lime was used. As a final recommendation, gathered information this way should be used as guidelines for general and specific selection criteria for compatible restoration materials and technology.