Introduction: In cirrhotic individuals, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is one of the most frequent side effects. 1-year mortality is up to 50% even with strong prevention, early diagnosis, and effective care

     Aim: To analyze prognostic factors of short-term mortality in SBP individuals.

Patients and Methods: In our study, 92 SBP patients were involved. Prothrombin time, international normalized ratio (INR), liver enzymes, serum albumin, total bilirubin, complete blood count, and serum creatinine were all evaluated. A sample of ascitic fluid was collected for chemical analysis. Follow up of the patients was done during hospital admission for complications and mortality. 

Results: Significantly correlated with mortality were Child-Pugh score (P=0.02), MELD score (P=0.003), hepatic encephalopathy (P=0.009), and hepatorenal syndrome (P<0.001) in SBP patients. Patients who died had considerably higher WBCs (P=0.003),  serum creatinine levels: basal creatinine (P<0.001), maximum creatinine (P<0.001) and last creatinine (P<0.001), ascitic fluid WBCs (P<0.001) and PMNL count (P<0.001) while platelets (P<0.001), ALT (P<0.001), Serum total bilirubin (P<0.001), ascitic fluid protein (P<0.001) and ascitic fluid albumin (P=0.007) were higher in survivors.


Conclusion: In SBP patients, WBCs, serum creatinine, ascitic fluid WBCs  and PMNL count, MELD score, Child-Pugh score, hepatic encephalopathy and hepatorenal syndrome were all strongly linked to mortality.