The aim of this work was to investigate the changes in total phenolic compounds  content and free radical scavenging abilities against the stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH assay) during soaking and germination of three cereal grains; wheat (Sids 1), corn (H310 White) and sorghum (Giza 15). Total phenolic compounds in wheat, sorghum and corn raw grains were 381.4, 288.5 and 204 mg/100g, respectively. Soaking and germination processes showed significant decrease in total phenolic compounds. Losses of total phenols during soaking for 12 hr were 15.18, 14.9 and 5.96 % of its initial values in wheat, sorghum and corn raw materials, respectively. Germination process for 48 hr led to decrement of total phenols ranged from 39.3 - 43.95 % of its initial values in studied raw cereal grains. The DPPH radical scavenging activity decreased during soaking and germination processes of cereal grains.