Neoechinorhynchus anguilfum sp.n., the third species of the genus from
African freshwater fishes, is described by light and scanning electron microscopy
from Anguilla anguilla Linnaeus, 1766 (Anguillidae) from the River Nile in
Sohag. It differs from other Neoechinorhynchus species of African freshwater
fishes in having unequal proboscis hooks in the anterior circle and in many other
characters. Possession of unequal proboscis hooks in the anterior circle aligns
Neoechinorhynchus anguil/um with the 2 other species of Neoechinorhynchus
which are known to occur in fishes. Neoechinorhynchus anguiilum is similar to N.
doryphonJs Van Cleave and Bangham, 1949, but it is characterized by its smaller
latero-tenninal proboscis hooks and eggs. Also, N. anguillum is distinguished from
the second species, N. dimorphospinus Amin & Sey, 1996, by having fusiform
eggs, posterior testis longer than the anterior one, subequal lemnisci reaching the
level of the anterior testis and larger size of all parts, except for the relatively
smaller proboscis hooks. The present new species is also separated from
Neoechinorhynchus species infecting fishes elsewhere in the world by having
fusiform ripe eggs.