The effect of salts on the reactivity of base hydrolysis of Fe(II) chelates bis(naphthylidene alanate) (nali), bis(naphthylidene phenylalanate) (nphali), bis(naphthylidene aspartate) (nasi), (naphthylidene histidinate) (nhi), bis(naphthylidene arginate) (nari) has been investigated in aqueous media containing alkali metal halides viz. LiBr, NaCl, KBr, Tetramethylammonium bromide (TMAB), Tetraethylammonium bromide (TEAB) and Tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB). The suggested mechanism of the base hydrolysis reaction involves the parallel attack of OH- ion on Fe2+ central atom attached to a singly bonded OH- ligand and dissociation of the first ligand as rate determining step. Generally, the presence of the salt markedly enhances the rate compared to its absence. This behavior agrees with the anionic nature of the transient species. With increasing added NaCl and NaBr, the rate of the reaction decreases. But in case of TMAB, TEAB and TBAB salts, the rate increases and then decreases on increasing their concentration.