
أ.د/ علاء أحمد رضوان ريان

Professor - Professor of G.I.T Surgery and Laparo-endoscopy

Faculty of medicine

Address: General Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag Univertsity, Sohag, Egypt




2018-09-18 22:24:25 |


*- Anatomy of the system

*- Patho-physiology of the system

*- Clinical presentations ( signs and symptoms)

*- Diagnosis

*- Investigations:

Non-invasive investigations

Minimally invasive investigations

Invasive investigations

*- Treatment modalities:

Conservation treatment

Endo-laparoscopic treatment

Surgical treatment

*- Follow up and complications

*- Supportive or adjuvant treatment

*- Any future modalities for prevention or control

Post graduate surgery teaching course
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Open discussion weekly scientific seminar
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