[1] Fasciola habit is :
- a) bile duct of liver . b) small intestme .
- c) stomach . d) large intestine .
[2] Pirenella conica is intermediate host of .
- a) Heterophyes heterophyes . b) fascoila .
- c) Dicrocoelium dendriticum . d) non of the above .
[3] The snail which live in brackish water .
- a) lymnaea trancatula . b) lymnaca cailliaudi .
- c) pirenella conica. d) non of the above .
[4] The oral sucker is surrounded by head. Collar in .
- a) Echinocasmus perfoliatus . b) Echinostoma revolutum .
- c) fasciola . d) both a & b .
[5] all trematude hermaphrodite except
- a) Schistosoma bovis . b) fasciola .
- c) hlytersphyes hetersphyes . d) dicrocoelium dendriticum .
[6] Parafossarulus act as intermediate host in .
- a) fasciola . b) Dicrocoelicum dendriticum
- c) Echinocasmas perfoliatus . d) non of the above .
[7] The infective stage of Dicrocoelium dendriticum is
- a) encysted metacercaiae on grass . b) ingestion of infective ants
- c) ingestion of infective fish . d) all the above .
[8] all egg of trematoda are operculated except .
- a) Heterophyes heterophyes . b) schistosoma .
- c) carmyerius gregarius . d) fasciola .
[9] Fish is a second intermediate host in
- a) Heterophyes heterophyes . b) Echinocasmus perfoliatus.
- c) Echinostoma revolutum . d) all the above .
[10] encysted metacercaria is infective stage in
- a) fasciola . b) Dicrocoelium dendriticum .
- c) paramphistomum . d) all the above .
[11] infective stage in all trematoda is encysted metacercaria except .
- a) cotylophoron cotylophorum . b) schistosoma spp .
- c) carmyerius gregarius . d) non of the above .
[12] The ventral sucker is situated close to the posterior end in .
- a) fasciola . b) schistosoma .
- c) cotylophoron cotylophorum . d) non of the above .
[13] Ascaris is
- a) trematoda . b) cestoda .
- c) nematode . d) non of the above .
[14] arthropods are the second intermediate host in trematoda in
- a) moniezia expansa . b) dicrococlium dendriticum .
- c) taenia saginata . d) both a & b .
[15] fasciola which inhibit the small intestine called .
- a) Ecto – parasite . b) obligate parasite .
- c) Erratic parasite . d) both b & c .
[16 Halzoum caused by
- a) immature fasciola . b) mature fasciola spp.
- c) fasciola spp egg . d) all of the above .
[17] lymnaea cailliaudi is intermediate host of
- a) Cotylophoron cotylophorum . b) Fasciola hepatica .
- c) Fsaciola gegantica . d) both b & c
[18] Triclabendazole is the drug of choice at
- a) cotylophoron cotylophorum . b) fasciola spp.
- c) Dicrocoelium dendriticum . d) non of the above .
[19] Rumen and Reticulum are the habitat of .
- a) Paramphistomum cervi . b) Cotylophoron cotylophorum .
- c) Gastrodiscus egypticus . d) both a & b .
[20] aquatic birds are the final host of
- a) Echinocasmus perfoliatus . b) fasciola .
- c) Heterophyes heterophyes . d) Echinostoma revolutum .
[21] Fish is the second intermediate host in
- a) Heterophyes heterophyes . b) Echinocasmus perfoliatus .
- c) Echinostoma revolutum . d) all the above .
[22] trematoda that inhibit the small intestine are .
a)h. Heterophyes . b) Echinocasmus perfoliatus .
- c) Gastrodiscus egypticus . d) all the above .
[23] Diagnostic stage of trematoda is .
- a) egg in stools . b) encysted metacercaria .
- c) both a & b . d) non of the above .
[24] all cestoda are inhibit the small intestine except .
- a) moniezia expansa . b) anoplocephala perfoliata .
- c) stilesia hepatica . d) all of the above .
[25] all egg of cestoda are mature, non operculated and medium size except.
- a) diphyllobothrium mansoni . b) taenia saginata .
- c) diphyllobothrium latum . d) both a & c .
[26] Cyclops act as intermediate host in
- a) D. latum . b) D. mansoni .
- c) tacnia saginata . d) both a & b .
[27] Sparganum is the larval stage of .
- a) taenia solium . b) D. mansoni .
- c) Echinococcus granulosus . d) D. latum .
[28] larval stage in D. latum .
- a) procercoid . b) plerocercoid .
- c) sparganum . d) both a & b .
[29] Sparganum infection of human tissue by larval stage of .
- a) monezia expanza . b) Taenea solium .
- c) D. latum . d) D. mansoni .
[30] Cysticercosis caused by .
- a) egg of taenia solium . b) cysticercus cellulose.
- c) procercoid . d) all of the above .
[31] Taenia saginata infection by .
- a) egg . b) cysticercus bovis .
- c) plero cercoid . d) non of the above .
[32] The man act as intermediate host in .
- a) T. solium . b) T. multiceps .
- c) T. serials . d) all the above .
[33] Coenurosis infected by .
- a) egg of T.multiceps . b) coenurus cerebralis .
- c) procercoid . d) plerocercoid .
[34] Staggers is a case caused by .
- a) Halozum . b) cysticercosis .
- c) coenurosis . d) non of the above .
[35] Echinococcus granulosus caused by .
- a) egg . b) cysticercoid .
- c) plerocercsid . d) hydatid cyst .
[36] interproglattidal gland is compact in .
- a) M. expansa . b) M. alba .
- c) M. benedini . d) all of the above .
[37] orbited mites act as intermediatc host in .
- a) M. expansa . b) M. pallida .
- c) M. trigonophora . d) all of the above.
[38] slugs and beetles act as intermediate host in .
- a) Davainea proglottina . b) stilesia hepatica .
- c) moniezia expanza . d) non of the above .
[39] The largest nematode is
- a) strongyloldes stercoralis . b) Dracunculus medinensis .
- c) Ascaris . d) all the above .
[40] migration of larvae of Ascaris suum cause .
- a) inflammation . b) hemorrhage .
- c) necrosis . d) all of the above .
[41] Toxocara canis transmitted by .
- a) ingesting infective egg . b) ingesting infective mice .
- c) ingesting infective milk . d) all of the above.
[42] When Toxocara canis migrate to stomach or bile duct called .
- a) obligate parasite . b) ecto – parasite .
- c) endoparaslte . d) erratic paraslte .
[43] Piperazine is a drug used for treatment of
- a) toxocara vitulorum . b) toxocara canis
c)toxocara catis . d) non of the above .
[44] Nematoda which infect the cat only .
- a) Texocara vitulorum. b) toxocara canis .
- c) toxocara catis . d) non of the above .
[45] …………………………… habit the large intestine .
- a) Heterakis gallinae . b) Ascaridia gale .
- c) Toxocara canis . d) both a & b .
[46] strongyloides stercoralis is
- a) obligate parasite . b) erratic parasite .
- c) facultative paraslte . d) all of the above.
[47] Thiabendazole is adrug for.
- a) strongyloides stercoralis . b) heterakis gallinae .
- c) Toxicara canis . d) ascaridia galli .
[48] Length of male is 5-7 cm in
- a) Ascaridia galli . b) Heterakis gallinae.
- c) Toxocara canis. D) strongyloides stercoralis .
[49] 1-1.5 cm is the longth of female of
- a) Ascaridia galli . b) Heterakis gallinae.
- c) Toxocara canis. D) strongyloides stercoralis .
[50] Blood loss, intestinal ulcers and enteritis are the symptoms of infection with .
- a) A. braziliense . b) A. duodenale .
- c) A. caninum . d) all of the above .