
Marwa Rageh Abdulrahman Obiedallah

Lecturer - Lecturer

Faculty of science

Address: University of Sohag, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany and Microbiology, 825244.


Special Informations: Marwa Rageh Abdulrahman Obiedallah
Full Name Marwa Rageh Abdulrahman Obiedallah
Gender Female
birth date 1984-10-01
Faculty Faculty of science
Degree Lecturer
Address University of Sohag, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany and Microbiology, 825244.
Current Position Lecturer
Academic Information
General Specialization Mycology
Specialization Physiology of fungi
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic أنواع الفيــوزاريـوم المنــتـجة للســمـوم والتواجــد الطبيــعي للفيومــونـيسيـن في الـذرة الشــاميــة في مــحــافـــظـــــة ســـــــوهـــــــــاج
Title of Master's Thesis in English Mycotoxigenic Fusarium Species and Natural Occurrence of Fumonisins in Corn (Zea mays L.) in Sohag Governorate
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic التخليق الحيوي الفطري لجزيئات الفضة النانوية و تأثيرها المضاد لبعض الميكروبات
Title of PhD thesis in English Mycobiosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial effect
Supervisory and administrative functions Prof Mohamed B. Aboul-Nasr, Prof Sabah S. Mohamed, , Prof Simon C. Andrews Research Leader of Biomedical Sciences School of Biological Sciences, United Kingdom.
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