Biography Marwa R. Obiedallah is currently a lecturer of Microbiology at Faculty of Science, University of Sohag, Egypt. She has MSc in Science (mycotoxins, 2011), and gained a wide expertise in fungal natural products and mycotoxins during her study. The Egyptian cultural affairs and missions sector (Mininstry of higher Educcation, Egypt) funded her PhD project to pursue her study at the University of Reading, UK, where she had the opportunity to improve her skills and gained a lot of experience for her academic career. She performed her experiments under supervision of Prof. Simon C Andrews, Head of the Microbiology Research Group at School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, where his laboratory is a pioneer in Molecular genetics researches, she could learn from laboratory members' project and improved her laboratory skills and gained a quite good expertise in using different important softwares such as, CLC sequence viewer, DNA star, Vector NTI, Origin and Scandium. She is a postgraduate member at the British Mycological Society (2017 & 2018) and the Microbiology Society (2015 & 2017), in the United Kingdom. Her research interests now focusing on Nanotechnology, where she is paying attention for the mechanism by which fungal species can generate nanoparticles of their metal salts. Her findings will direct future researches for proteome studies of promising fungal isolates. She attended many international conferences and participated with oral presentations, posters and full length papers as a part of her PhD thesis
.Arrangments for PhD Viva has been set on 27th of Nov. 2018 at 11 a.m. 5th floor, Seminar hall... All are invited
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Mycological synthesized silver nanoparticles (SNPs) is a promising field of study and addressing the optimized conditions for this production is discussed in detail in this study. Here, we screened 80 novel fungal isolates, obtained from _Padina_ sp. (Algicolous fungi) and _Avicennia__marina_ (Forssk.) Vierh. (Foliicolous fungi) samples, for SNPs generation using fungal supernatants to identify new isolates with enhanced activity. A ...
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In this study two novel marine fungal isolates (Aspergillus oryzae and Fsarium solani) were used for generating silver nanoparticles (SNPs). The antibacterial effect of mycological synthesized SNPs (12.31±0.26 and 22.6 ±1.2nm for A. oryzae and F. solani, respectively) was tested against Grampositive (Bacillus cereus SBTBC, Enterococcus faecalis 8J, Lesteria monocytogenes 10403S and Staphylococcus aureus 7A) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ...
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There is a growing interest in biosynthesis of nanoparticles using methods that are simple, inexpensive, and non-toxic to the environment. Among the different available methods of synthesis (including physical and chemical methods), the biological methods are considered to be the most convenient in terms of cost and non-hazardous impacts to the environment. Nanoparticles are proven to possess unique chemical and ...
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The biological generation of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) is a straight forward process. However, the mechanism by which this process takes place is unclear. We demonstrate the synthesis of AgNPs using fungal filtrate of Aspergillus oryzae. A characteristic peak of AgNP formation was detected at 435 nm. Eight most prominent extracellular protein bands were identified using MALDI/TOF Mass spectrometry. Here, we ...
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The mechanism of biological generation of silver nanoparticles (SNP) is still not fully understood with most studies merely providing detailed information describing the mechanism by which fungi reduce AgNO3 into SNP. In our work, we demonstrate that proteins are mainly involved in the myco-generation of SNP. Fifty-three and 27 fungal isolates were obtained from Padina (brown algae) and Avicennia marina ...
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First, we provide the students with theoretical differences between different types of tissues in a plant and point to the main differences between sections in stems or roots, and how to differentiate between them in both monocot and dicot plants, then we move to apply all this practically, examining different transition sections through different plants. We assist them to professionally ...
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Our main target in this course is to make the students get familiar with viral infection of higher plants that can be observed in common plants around us. We ask each student to present a photo album about leaves infected by viruses in the last class.
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In this course we start with Lab safety and precautions must be followed when dealing with hazard bacterial species. Give students the sterilizations basics. We teach them how to isolate bacteria from different sources (air, water and soil) and we give them an account about main nutrients required for bacterial growth with highlighting different types of media. A present them ...
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We are assigned to teach the students 8 classes. The first class we teach them basics of sterilization and different types of growth media. The rest of classes we help them performing some useful experiments in the lab. Such as Yoghurt industry, kojic acid production and streptomycin synthesis. Discussions are opened through classes and a small report about all performed ...
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The first 3 classes we teach the students how to isolate fungi from different sources (soil, air, water, breath) and help them prepare the medium required for growth and autoclave it. Then we give them an account on hoe to estimate fungal growth (inhibited or enhanced) using different methods. The effect of growth parameters essential for fungal growth are studied ...
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