
Prof. Dr. Ibrahim A. Abbas

Professor - Department of Mathematics

Faculty of science

Address: Sohag University, Egypt.


Special Informations: Prof. Dr. Ibrahim A. Abbas
Full Name Prof. Dr. Ibrahim A. Abbas
Email ibrabbas7@science.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Male
birth date 1971-11-20
Faculty Faculty of science
Degree Professor
Address Sohag University, Egypt.
Current Position Department of Mathematics
Academic Information
General Specialization Applied mathematics
Specialization Thermo-elasticity
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic مسائل فى نظرية المرونة المغناطيسية والمرونة الحرارية المغناطيســية للأجسام الاسطوانية الدائرية اللانهائية
Title of Master's Thesis in English Problems of magneto-and thermomagnetoelasticity for infinite, circular cylindrical bodies
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic دراسة مقارنه بين تطبيق طرق العناصر المحددة والفروق المحددة على الحالات المتعددة فى المواد البيوميكانيكية
Title of PhD thesis in English A comparative study of finite element and finite difference schemes applied to multiphasic biomechanical materials
Supervisory and administrative functions عضو بلجنة شئون الطلاب - عضو بلجنة الساعات المعتمدة
Phone 934592075
Fax 934592075
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Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015236358527
Twitter URL https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56243736400
Youtube URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U6PJDkxroU
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Linked in URL http://staffsites.sohag-univ.edu.eg/ibrabbas7
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ibrahim_Abbas2
EKP بنك المعرفة المصري https://www.ekb.eg/web/guest/resources?sourcesLang=en
A brief about me

الأهتمامات البحثية

Finite element method; Eigenvalue approach; Laplace transformation; biological tissues; Biomaterial; Fluid mechanics; Magnetothermoelasticity; Thermoelastic diffusion; porothermoelastic; Fiber-reinforced; Porous media; Heat and mass transfer; Fractional derivatives; Micropolar; Microstretch.

الأهمية العلمية لهذه الأبحاث

يمكن الاستفادة منها في مجال الرياضيات البيولوجية كتطبيقات على الأنسجة وفى مجال صناعة السيارات ومجال حفظ وتعبئة المواد الغذائية ومجال البترول واستخراج المعادن من باطن الأرض ويمكن تطبيقها علي أجزاء تدخل في تكوين المفاعلات الذرية والطائرات والسفن والغواصات وفي مجالات أخري متعددة مثل الكمبيوترات المحمولة والأجهزة اللاسلكية وغيرها.

محرر في المجلات العلمية المتخصصة:

  • InternationalJournal of Applied Engineering and Technology (JET)
  • Journal of Physics
  • Journal of Thermoelasticity

الأبحاث المنشورة


  1. Hobiny, Aatef D. and Ibrahim A. Abbas "A DPL model of photo-thermal interaction in an infinite semiconductor material containing a spherical hole." The European Physical Journal Plus1 (2018): 11. (IF 1.753)
  2. Abbas, Ibrahim A. and Aatef Hobiny "A Two-Temperature Photothermal Interaction in a Semiconductor Medium Containing a Cylindrical Hole" International Journal of Thermophysics1 (2018): 17. (IF 0.745)
  3. Abbas, Ibrahim A. and Aatef Hobiny "Photo-thermal-elastic interaction in an unbounded semiconducting medium with spherical cavity due to pulse heat flux" Waves in Random and Complex Media(2018): 1-13.  (IF 1.447)
  4. Ibrahim Abbas and Marin M. "Analytical solutions of a two-dimensional generalized thermoelastic diffusion problem due to laser pulse" Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering42(1), 57-71, 2018. (IF 0.595)
  5. Abbas, Ibrahim A. Faris S. Alzahrani, and A. Elaiw. "A DPL model of photothermal interaction in a semiconductor material." Waves in Random and Complex Media (2018): 1-16. (IF 1.447)
  6. Faris Alzahrani and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Fractional order theory in a semiconductor medium photogenerated by a focused laser beam” Physical Mesomechanics21(2), 2018 (IF 2.244)
  7. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Faris Alzahrani “A GN model in a 2-D problem of a mode-I crack in an isotropic thermoelastic plate” Physical Mesomechanics, 21(2), 2018(IF 2.244)
  8. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Razavi “A mode I crack problem for a thermoelastic fiber-reinforced anisotropic material”Physical Mesomechanics, 21(2), 2018. (IF 2.244)
  9. Ibrahim A. Abbas “A study on fractional order theory in thermoelastic half-space due to thermal loading” Physical Mesomechanics, 21(2), 2018 (IF 2.244)
  10. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Faris S. Alzahrani “Eigenvalue approach on thermoelastic diffusion problem for an infinite elastic medium with a spherical cavity” Strength of Materialsaccepted 8-5-2015 (IF 0.443),
  11. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Free vibration in a nano-beam resonator based on dual-phase-lagging generalized thermoelasticity” Strength of Materials, accepted 8-5-2015 (IF 0.443),
  12. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Free vibrations of nanoscale beam based on Green and Naghdi model with two-temperature” International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration9-3-2015 accepted 29-7-2015(IF 0.34),
  13. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Generalized thermoelastic diffusion in a half-space by Eigenvalue approach” Strength of Materials accepted 3-7-2014 (IF 0.443),
  14. Ibrahim A. Abbas and and Aatef Hobiny “Finite Element Analysis of Thermoelastic Fiber-reinforced Anisotropic Hollow Cylinder with Dual-Phase-Lag Model”Strength of Materials accepted 5-11-2014 (IF 0.443),
  15. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Two-temperature thermoelastic interactions thin slim strip due to moving heat source"Strength of Materialsaccepted 5-11-2014 (IF 0.443),
  16. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M.I. Othman "Analytical and numerical solution of 2D problem for transversely isotropic generalized thermoelastic medium with G-N II” International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration9-3-2015 accepted 14-4-2016 (IF 0.34)
  17. Ibrahim A. Abbas and K. Aly “Analytical solutions of photo-thermoelastic waves photogenerated by a focused laser beam in a semiconductor material” SILICONaccepted 28-2-2018 (IF 0.829)
  18. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Aatef Hobiny “The influence of thermal and conductive temperatures in a nanoscale resonator”Results in Physics9 (June 2018), Pages 705-711 (IF 0.946)
  19. Abbas, Ibrahim A. and Aatef Hobiny “Theoretical analysis of thermal damages in skin tissue induced by intense moving heat source” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer124 (2018): 1011-1014. (IF 3.458)
  20. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Faris S. Alzahrani “Generalized photo-thermo-elastic interaction in a semiconductor plate with two relaxation times” Thin-Walled Structures 31-12-2017 accepted 17-4-2018 (IF 2.829)
  21. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Faris S. Alzahrani and F. Berto “The effect of fractional derivative on photo-thermoelastic interaction in an infinite semiconducting medium with a cylindrical hole”Engineering Solid Mechanics accepted 23-4-2018
  22. H. Youssef and Ibrahim Abbas “Non-Linear Generalized Thermoelasticity of Temperature Dependent Materials Properties”Heat Transfer Research accepted 23-4-2018 (IF 0.868)
  23. Ibrahim A. Abbas and and Aatef Hobiny “Fractional order photo-thermoelastic waves in a two-dimensional semiconductor plate using eigenvalue approach” The European Physical Journal Plus accepted 4-5-2018 (IF 1.753)
  24. 2017
  25. Ibrahim Abbas and Y. Abd elmaboud "Analytical solutions of thermoelastic interactions in a hollow cylinder with one relaxation time” Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids22 (2), pp. 210–223, 2017 (IF 2.953)
  26. Ibrahim Abbas and M. Marin “Analytical solution of thermoelastic interaction in a half-space by pulsed laser heating” Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 87, 254-260, 2017 (IF 2.221),
  27. Ibrahim Abbas “Analytical solutions of 2-D problem for cracked thermoelastic fiber-reinforced anisotropic material” Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics91(10), pp. 31-36, 2017 (IF 2.659)
  28. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Free vibration of a thermoelastic hollow cylinder with two-temperature generalized thermoelastic theory” Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 3 (2017): 395-405 (IF 1.559)
  29. Aatef Hobiny and Ibrahim A. Abbas “A study on photothermal waves in an unbounded semiconductor material with cylindrical cavity due to pulse heat flux” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials (MTDM)  21(1), pp. 61-72, 2017 (IF 1.014),
  30. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Generalized thermoelastic interactions in a hollow cylinder with temperature-dependent material propertiesJournal of Thermal Science and Technology12 (1), JTST0005-JTST0005, 2017(IF 0.791)
  31. Ibrahim A. Abbas and K. Aly “A generalized model on plasma, thermal and elastic waves in a semiconductor medium” Journal of Advanced Physics3 (2017): 317-325(ISI)
  32. Ibrahim Abbas, A.N. Abd-alla and Alshaikh, F “Analytical and Computational Solution of Three-Dimensional Thermoelastic Interactions in Porous Material with Temperature-Dependent Properties” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 14(8), pp. 4021-4033, 2017 (IF 1.66)
  33. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Said Elbayen “Dual-Phase Lag Model on Generalized Magneto-Thermoelastic Interaction in a Functional Graded Material" The International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration (IJAV)22(3), pp. 369-376, 2017. (IF 0.34),
  34. Ibrahim Abbas, K.A. Aly, and F. Alzahrani. "A Two-Temperature Photothermal Interaction in a Semiconducting Material." Journal of Advanced Physics 3 (2017): 402-407.(ISI)
  35. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Aatef Hobiny "Eigenvalue approach in a generalized thermal shock problem for a transversely isotropic half-space"Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials5(1), 1750002, 2017 (ISI)
  36. Faris Alzahrani and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Fractional order photo-thermoelastic interaction in a semiconducting media containing a spherical cavity subjected to pulse heat flux” Journal of Advanced Physics 6 (4), 470-476, 2017(ISI)
  37. 2016
  38. Faris Alzahrania and Ibrahim Abbas “Generalized thermoelastic diffusion in a nanoscale beam using eigenvalue approach” Acta Mechanica, 227(4), pp 955-968, 2016 (IF 1.851),
  39. Faris Alzahrania and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Eigenvalue approach on a two-dimensional thermal shock problem with weak, normal and strong conductivity” The European Physical Journal – Plus 131 pp. 289, 2016 (IF 1.753),
  40. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Exact solution for a free vibration of thermoelastic hollow cylinder under GNIII model” International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration 21(3), pp. 266-270,2016, (IF 0.34),
  41. Marin Marin and Ibrahim Abbas “Evolution of solutions for dipolar bodies in Thermoelasticity without energy dissipation” journal Annals of Ovidius Univ., Math Series. Vol. 24(1), 57-82, 2016, (IF 0.422).
  42. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Rajneesh Kumar “2D deformation in initially stressed thermoelastic half-space with voids” Steel and Composite Structures, An International JournalPaper 20(5), pp. 1103-1117, 2016. (IF 3.198),
  43. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Fractional Order Generalized Thermo-elasticity in an Infinite Medium with a Cylindrical Cavity” Journal of Engineering Mechanics142(6), 04016033 (2016) (IF 1.764),
  44. Yurong Liu Weibo Liu, Mustafa Ali Obaid and Ibrahim Abbas" Exponential stability of Markovian jumping Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with mixed mode-dependent time-delays" Neurocomputing,177(12), 409–415, 2016. (IF 3.317),
  45. Du, Bo, Yurong Liu, and Ibrahim Abbas “Existence and asymptotic behavior results of periodic solution for discrete-time neutral-type neural networks" Journal of the Franklin Institute353(2), 448–461, 2016 (IF 3.139),
  46. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Eigenvalue Approach to Fractional Order Thermoelasticity for an Infinite Body with a Spherical Cavity” Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied SciencesVol 20, June 2016, Pages 84–88
  47. Rajneesh Kumar, Ibrahim A. Abbas “Interaction due to various sources in saturated porous media with incompressible fluid” Journal of Central South University23(5), pp 1232-1242, 2016 (IF 0.601),
  48. Rajneesh Kumar, Ibrahim A. Abbas “Disturbance due to thermomechanical sources in porothermoelastic medium” Strength of Materials, Vol. 48, No. 2, March, 2016 (IF 0.443),
  49. Ibrahim A. Abbas  and Faris Alzahrania “Analytical solution of a two-dimensional thermoelastic problem subjected to laser pulse” Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal21(4), pages 791-803. 2016. (IF 3.198),
  50. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Said Elbayen “Wave propagation in a generalized thermoelastic transversely isotropic plate using eigenvalue approachJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience3-8-2015 accepted 12-8-2015 (IF 1.666),
  51. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Aatef D. Hobiny “Analytical solution of thermoelastic damping in a nano-beam resonator under fractional order theory of thermoelasticity” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics16, no. 09 (2016): 1550064.(IF 1.617),
  52. Abo-el-nour N. Abd-alla, Idir Mechai and A. Abbas  “Influence of initial stresses and piezoelectric constants on the propagation bulk acoustic waves in an anisotropic smart material (Aluminum Nitrite), Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience13.10 (2016): 6488-6494.(IF 1.666),
  53. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Finite element analysis of internal penny-shaped crack problem in an unbounded thermoelastic medium” Journal of Thermal Stresses10 (2016): 1171-1181.(IF 1.493),
  54. Ibrahim A. Abbas “A two-temperature model for evaluation of thermoelastic damping in the vibration of a nanoscale resonators" Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials20(4), 511-522, 2016 (IF 1.014),
  55. Ibrahim A. Abbas “The effect of relaxation times on thermoelastic damping in a nano-beam resonator” of Molecular and Engineering Materials4.02 (2016): 1650001. (ISI)
  56. Ibrahim Abbas "A dual phase lag model on photothermal interaction in an unbounded semiconductor medium with cylindrical cavity” International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering03 (2016): 1650016. (ISI)
  57. Ibrahim Abbas, Abo-el-nour Abd-alla, Faris Alzahrani & Mario Spagnuolo “Wave propagation in a generalized thermoelastic plate by using eigenvalue approach” Journal of Thermal Stresses11 (2016): 1367-1377.(IF 1.493),
  58. Aatef and Ibrahim Abbas “Fractional order generalized thermoelastic interaction in an unbounded media by pulsed laser heating “Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials02 (2016): 1650002. (ISI)
  59. Faris Alzahrania and Ibrahim A. Abbas “The effect of magnetic field on a thermoelastic fiber-reinforced material under GN-III theory”STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES2 (2016): 369-386.(IF 3.198),
  60. Ibrahim A. Abbas and K. Aly “A study on photothermal waves in a semiconductor material photogenerated by a focused laser beam” Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials02 (2016): 1650003. (ISI),
  61. H. Aatef and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Analytical solution of magnetothermoelastic interaction in a fiber-reinforced anisotropic material” The European Physical Journal Plus 131 (12), 424, 2016 (IF 1.753).
  62. 2015  
  63. Rajneesh Kumar, Marin Marin and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Axisymmetric distributions of thick circular plate with heat sources in modified couple stress theory” Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials 3 (03n04), 1550004(2015) (ISI),
  64. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Eigenvalue approach to fractional order generalized magneto-thermoelastic medium subjected to moving heat source” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials(2015), 377(), pp. 452-459, (IF 2.63),
  65. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Analytical solution for a free vibration of a thermoelastic hollow sphere”Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 43 (3), 265-276(IF 1.559)
  66. Ibrahim A. Abbas “The effects of relaxation times and moving heat source on two-temperature generalized thermoelastic thin slim strip” Canadian Journal of Physics 93 (5), 585-590, 2015, (IF 0.877),
  67. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Generalized thermoelastic interaction in a functional graded material with fractional order three-phase lag heat transfer” Journal of Central South University(2015) 22: 1606−1613 (IF. 0.601)
  68. Ibrahim A. Abbas “A dual phase lag model on thermoelastic interaction in an infinite fiber-reinforced anisotropic medium with a circular hole” Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 43 (4), 501-513, (2015)(IF 1.559),
  69. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Exact solution of thermoelastic damping and frequency shifts in a nano-beam resonator” Journal of Structural Stabbility and Dynamics, 15(6),1450082,2015, (IF 1.617),.
  70. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Thermoelastic interactions in an isotropic unbounded medium due to moving heat source using GNIII model” Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12(2), 1061-1073, 2015, (IF 1.106).
  71. Ibrahim A. Abbas “A GN model for thermoelastic interaction in a micro-scale beam Subjected to a moving heat source” Acta mechanica226 (8), 2527–2536, 2015(IF 1.851)
  72. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Marin Marin, Elbaz I. Abouelmagd and Rajneesh Kumar ”A Green and Naghdi model in a two-dimensional thermoelastic diffusion problem for a half space” Comput. Theor. Nanosci.12, 280-286 (2015)(IF 1.666)
  73. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Marin Marin, and Rajneesh Kumar ”Analytical-numerical solution of thermoelastic interactions in a semi-infinite medium with one relaxation time” Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 287-291 (2015),(IF 1.666),
  74. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Ashraf M. Zenkour “The effect of magnetic field on thermal shock problem for a fiber-reinforced anisotropic half-space using Green-Naghdi's theory” Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 438-442 (2015)(IF 1.666),
  75. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Rajneesh Kumar and Leena Rani “Thermoelastic Interaction in a Thermally Conducing Cubic Crystal Subjected to Ramp-type Heating” Applied Mathematics and Computation 254(1) pp. 360-369, (2015) (IF. 1.738).
  76. T Hayat, T Muhammad, SA Shehzad, GQ Chen and Ibrahim A. Abbas Interaction of magnetic field in flow of Maxwell nanofluid with convective effect” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials389, 48-55(IF. 2.63).
  77. Carrera & Ahmed E Aboelregal & Ibrahim A. Abbasa nd Ashraf M. Zenkour“Vibrational analysis for an axially moving microbeam with two temperatures” Journal of thermal stresses 38: 569–590, 2015(IF 1.493)
  78. Marin M., Mohamed I. A. Othman and Ibrahim A. Abbas “An extension of the domain of influence theorem for generalized thermoelasticity of anisotropic material with voids”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience12 (8), 1594-1598, 2015,(IF 1.666),
  79. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Rajneesh Kumar, K.D. Sharma, S.K. Garg ”Deformation due to thermomechanical sources in a homogeneous isotropic micropolar thermoelastic medium with void” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 12 (8), 1698-1708, 2015,(IF 1.666),
  80. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Rajneesh Kumar and Sachin Kaushal “Interaction due to thermal source in micropolar thermoelastic diffusion medium” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 12 (8), 1780-1786, 2015, (IF 1.666),
  81. Marin , Mohamed I. A. Othman and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Behavior of Cesaro means of energy components for non-simple thermoelastic bodies”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience12 (8), 1888-1897, 2015,(IF 1.666),
  82. Ibrahim A. Abbas and H. Youssef "Two-Dimensional Fractional Order Generalized Thermoelastic Porous Material” Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12(7), 1415-1431, (2015). (IF 1.106).
  83. Ashraf M. Zenkour & Ibrahim A. Abbas “Electro-magneto-thermo-elastic response of infinite functionally graded cylinders without energy dissipation” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials395, 123-129, 2015, (IF 2.63),
  84. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Eigenvalue approach on fractional order theory of thermoelastic diffusion problem for an infinite elastic medium with a spherical cavity” Applied Mathematical Modelling39 (20), 6196–6206, (2015).(IF 2.35),
  85. Othman, M and Ibrahim A. Abbas "Effect of rotation on magneto-thermoelastic hollow cylinder with energy dissipation using finite element method"Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience12 (9), 2399-2404, (2015). (IF 1.666),
  86. Ibrahim A. Abbas and H. Youssef “Two-Temperature Generalized Thermoelastic Interaction of Functional Graded Material” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 12 (9), 2488-2494, (2015), (IF 1.666),
  87. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Aatef D.Hobiny “Free vibration of a thermoelastic hollow cylinder with one relaxation time” Canadian Journal of Physics93 (10), 1082-1087, (2015),(IF 0.877),
  88. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Rajneesh Kumar “Deformation in three dimensions thermoelastic medium with one relaxation time” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience12, 3104-3109 (2015), (IF 1.666),
  89. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Fractional order theory of thermoelastic diffusion problem for an infinite elastic medium with a cylindrical cavity” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 12, 3118-3124 (2015), (IF 1.666)
  90. Ibrahim A. Abbas "A Review on Generalized Thermoelastic Interaction in a Fiber-reinforced Anisotropic Medium" Reviews in Theoretical Science 3, 531-535 (2015) (ISI)
  91. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Faris S. Alzahrani “Analytical solution of magneto-thermoelastic diffusion problem on a hollow cylinder” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (CTN)12, 4747-4754 (2015) (IF 1.666),
  92. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Aatef D. Hobiny “A half-space problem in the fractional order theory of thermoelastic diffusion” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (CTN)12, 4803-4808 (2015) (IF 1.666),
  93. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Rajneesh Kumar, and A. Lahiri "Three-dimensional interaction in thermoelastic medium with two relaxation time due to thermal source" Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials 03 n04 (2015): 1550003. (ISI)
  94. 2014 
  95. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Rajneesh Kumar “Interaction due to Mechanical Source in Transversely Isotropic Micropolar Media” Journal of Vibration and Control 20(11), 1663-1670, (2014),(IF 2.101)
  96. Ashraf M. Zenkour and Ibrahim A. Abbas Magnetothermoelastic Response of an Infinite FG Cylinder Using Finite Element Method” Journal of Vibration and Control20 (12), 1907–1919(IF 2.101).
  97. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Eigenvalue approach in a three-dimensional generalized thermoelastic interactions with temperature-dependent material properties” Computers and Mathematics with Applications68 (2014), pp. 2036-2056, (IF. 1.531).
  98. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Nonlinear transient thermal stress analysis of thick-walled FGM cylinder with temperature-dependent material properties” Meccanica49(7),1697-1708, (2014). (I 2.196).
  99. Ashraf M. Zenkour and Ibrahim A. Abbas A generalized thermoelasticity problem of an annular cylinder with temperature-dependent density and material properties” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences84, July 2014, Pages 54-60 (IF 2.884),
  100. Ibrahim A. Abbas “A GN model based upon two-temperature generalized thermoelastic theory in an unbounded medium with a spherical cavity” Applied Mathematics and Computation245, 108-115, 2014(IF. 1.738).
  101. Ashraf M. Zenkour and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Nonlinear transient thermal stress analysis of temperature-dependent hollow cylinders using a finite element model” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics14(7), 1450025,(2014).(IF 1.617),
  102. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Ashraf Zenkour "Two-Temperature Generalized Thermoelastic Interaction in an Infinite Fiber-reinforced Anisotropic Plate Containing a Circular Cavity with two relaxation times”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 11(1), 1-7 (2014).(IF 1.666),
  103. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Rajneesh Kumar “Deformation Due to thermal source in Micropolar Generalized Thermoelastic Half- Space by Finite element method” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience11(1), 185-190 (2014). (IF 1.666)
  104. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Ashraf M. Zenkour The effect of rotation and initial stress on thermal shock problem for a fiber-reinforced anisotropic half-space using Green–Naghdi theory ” of Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 11(2), 331-338 (2014). (IF 1.666)
  105. Marin Marin, Ibrahim Abbas, and Rajneesh Kumar “Relaxed Saint-Venant principle for thermoelastic micropolar diffusion” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal". 51(4), 651-662.(2014).(IF 1.118),
  106. Ashraf M. Zenkour& Ahmed E Aboelregal and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Generalized thermoelstic vibration of an axially moving clamped microbeam subjected to ramp-type thermal loading” Journal of thermal stresses 37: 1302–1323, 2014, (IF 1.493),
  107. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Fractional Order GN Model on Thermoelastic Interaction in an Infinite Fibre-reinforced Anisotropic Plate Containing a Circular Hole”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,11(2), 380-384 (2014).(IF 1.666)
  108. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Ashraf Zenkour "Dual-phase-lag model on thermoelastic interactions in a semi-infinite medium subjected to a ramp-type heating”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience11, 642-645 (2014)(IF 1.666)
  109. Ibrahim A. Abbas & S. Dahab “On the numerical solution of thermal shock problem for generalized magneto-thermoelasticity for an infinitely long annular cylinder with variable thermal conductivity”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience11, 607-618 (2014)(IF 1.666)
  110. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Three-phase lag model on thermoelastic interaction in an unbounded fiber-reinforced anisotropic medium with a cylindrical cavity” Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 11, 987-992 (2014)(IF 1.666)
  111. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Kumar “Response of thermal source in initially stressed generalized thermoelastic half-space with voids”J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.11, 1472-1479 (2014)(IF 1.666)
  112. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Ashraf Zenkour “Semi-analytical and numerical solution of fractional order generalized thermoelastic in a semi-infinite medium” Comput. Theor. Nanosci.11, 1592-1596 (2014)(IF 1.666)
  113. Elbaz I. Abouelmagd, M.E. Awad, E. M. A. Elzayat and Ibrahim A. Abbas “Reduction the secular solution to periodic solution in the generalized restricted three-body problem” Astrophys Space. Sci.(2014) 350:495–505(IF 1.622),
  114. I. Marin, R. P. Agarwal and I. A. Abbas “Effect of intrinsic rotations, microstructural expansion and contractions in initial boundary value problem of thermoelastic bodies” Boundary Value Problems 129, (2014).(IF 0.819),
  115. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Baljeet Singh "Finite element analysis in a rotating thermoelastic half-space with diffusion" Comput. Theor. Nanosci.11(11), 2276-2282 (2014),(IF 1.666).
  116. Ashraf M. Zenkour & Ibrahim A. Abbas “Thermal shock problem for a fiber-reinforced anisotropic half-space placed in a magnetic field via G-N model” Applied Mathematics and Computation 246 (2014) 482–490(IF. 1.738).,
  117. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Eigenvalue approach for an unbounded medium with a spherical cavity based upon two-temperature generalized thermoelastic theory” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28(10),pp 4193-4198, 2014, (IF 1.128),
  118. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Y. Abd elmaboud "Analytical solutions of generalized thermoelastic interactions in a semi-infinite medium" Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 11, 2462-2468 (2014),(IF 1.666)
  119. Kumar, Ibrahim A. Abbas, V. Sharma & R. Shyam "A Finite Element Study of Unsteady Free Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in a Walters-B Viscoelastic Flow past a Semi-Infinite Vertical Plate"J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.11, 2469-2475 (2014),(IF 1.666),
  120. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. I. Othman “Effect of Rotation and Thermal Relaxation Time on Plane Waves in Generalized Thermo-microstretch Elastic Solid using Finite Element Method” Canadian Journal of Physics, 2014, 92(10): 1269-1277(IF 0.877),
  121. Zenkour A. and Ibrahim Abbas “Free vibration analysis of doubly convex/concave functionally graded sandwich beams” Journal of Vibroengineering 16(6),1392-8716(IF 0.398),
  122. Magdy A. Ezzat, Ibrahim A. Abbas, A. A. El-Bary and Shereen M. Ezzat “Numerical study of stokes first problem for thermoelastic micropolar fluid with fractional derivative heat transfer” Magnetohydrodynamics50 (2014), No. 3, pp. 263–278, (IF 0.873),
  123. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Rajneesh Kumar & Lajvinder Singh Reen “Response of Thermal source in Transversely Isotropic Thermoelastic Materials without energy dissipation and with Two-Temperature” Canadian Journal of Physics2014, 92(11): 1305-1311, (IF 0.877),
  124. Ibrahim A. Abbas “A problem on functional graded material under fractional order theory of thermoelasticity” Theoretical and Applied Fracture MechanicsTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 74 (2014) 18–22, (IF 2.659),
  125. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Aatef D. Hobiny, M. Marin “Generalized Thermoelastic Interaction in an Isotropic Solid Cylinder by Eigenvalue Approach. sylwan158(11), 327-339, 2014 (IF. 0.481)
  126. Youssef, H. and Ibrahim A. Abbas "Fractional order generalized thermoelasticity with variable thermal conductivity” Journal of Vibroengineering, 16(8), 4077, 2014 (IF 0.398)
  127. Ibrahim A. Abbas “The effect of thermal source with mass diffusion in a transversely isotropic thermoelastic infinite medium” Journal of Measurements in Engineering JME 2(4), 175, 2014, (ISI)
  128.  2013 
  129. Ibrahim A. Abbas “A GN model for thermoelastic interaction in an unbounded fiber-reinforced anisotropic medium with a circular hole” Applied Mathematics Letters 26(2) 232-239 (2013),(IF 2.233)
  130. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Ashraf M. Zenkour LS model on electro-magneto-thermo-elastic response of an infinite functionally graded cylinder” Composite Structures96 (2013) 89–96 (2013)(IF 3.858)
  131. Ibrahim A. Abass, Amgad salama, F.El-Amin, and Shuyu Sun “Comparison study between the effects of different terms contributing to viscous dissipation in saturated porous media” International Journal of Thermal Sciences64, pp.195-203 (2013),(IF 3.615)
  132. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Hamdy yossef “Two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity under ramp-type heating by finite element method” Meccanica48(2), pp 331-339(2013)(I 2.196).
  133. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Two-temperature Green and Naghdi Model on Thermoelastic Interaction in an Infinite Fibre-reinforced Anisotropic Plate Containing a Circular Hole” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 79–94 (2013), (ISI)
  134. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Thermoelastic interactions without energy dissipation in a semi-infinite medium: Analytical-numerical solution" Journal of Physics, (2013), 2(1), pp. 4-9
  135. M. El-Naggar, Kishka Z., Ibrahim A. Abbas and M. Elsagheer On the initial stress, magnetic field, voids and rotation effects on plane waves in generalized thermoelasticity” J. of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience10(6), 1408-1417 (2013).(IF 1.666),
  136. Ibrahim A. Abbas and R. Kumar “Deformation due to Thermal Source in Micropolar Thermoelastic Media with Thermal and Conductive Temperatures” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 10(9), 2241-2247, (2013).(IF 1.666),
  137. Rajneesh Kumar, Vandana Gupta & Ibrahim A. Abbas “Plane deformation due to thermal source in fractional order thermoelastic media”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 10(10), 2520-2525, (2013)(IF 1.666),
  138. Ashraf M. Zenkour & Ibrahim A. Abbas “Thermoelastic bending response of angle-ply composite plates resting on elastic foundationsAdvanced Composites Letters 22 (2), pp. 31-35,(2013).(IF. 0.375),
  139. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Analytical-numerical solution of thermoelastic problem in a semi-infinite medium under Green and Naghdi theory" Journal of Thermoelasticity, 1(2), 19-23, (2013)
  140. Rajneesh Kumar & Ibrahim A. Abbas and Veena Sharma “A numerical study of free convection heat and mass transfer in a Rivlin–Ericksen viscoelastic flow past an impulsively started vertical plate with variable temperature and concentration “ International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 44, 258–264, 2013.(IF 1.873).
  141. 2012
  142. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M.I. Othman "Generalized Thermo-elsticity of Thermal Shock Problem in an Isotropic Hollow Cylinder and Temperature Dependent Elastic Moduli" Phys. B (2012), vol. 21(1), pp. 014601. (IF. 1.223)
  143. Ibrahim A. Abbas& I. A. Othman "Generalized thermoelastic interaction in a fibre-reinforced anisotropic half-space under hydrostatic initial stress"Journal of Vibration and Control(2012), vol. 18(2), pp. 175-182. (IF 2.101)
  144. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M.I. Othman "Fundamental Solution of Generalized Thermo-viscoelasticity using Finite Element Method"Computational Mathematics and Modeling(2012) vol. 23(2), pp. 158-167. (ISI)
  145. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Generalized Magneto-thermoelastic Interaction in a Fiber-reinforced Anisotropic Hollow Cylinder” International Journal of Thermophysics (2012), 33(3) 567-579.(I 0.745)
  146. M.I. Othman & Ibrahim A. Abbas “Generalized thermoelasticity of thermal shock problem in a non-homogeneous isotropic hollow cylinder with energy dissipation”International Journal of Thermophysics 33(5), pp. 913-923(2012).(IF. 0.745)
  147. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Rajneesh Kumar & Vijay Chawla “Response of Thermal Source in a Transversely Isotropic Thermoelastic Half-Space with Mass Diffusion by Finite element method” Phys. B(2012), 21(8): 084601(IF. 1.223).
  148. Ibrahim A. Abbas "Finite element analysis of the generalized thermoelastic interactions in an elastic half space subjected to a ramp-type heating” Journal of Physics, (2012), Vol. 1(2), pp. 3 - 9
  149. Ibrahim A. Abbas “On a Thermoelastic Fractional Order Model" Journal of Physics, 1( 2), pp. 24-30, (2012).
  150. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Hamdy yossef “A Non-Linear Generalized Thermoelasticity of Temperature Dependent Materials Using Finite Element Method” International Journal of Thermophysics 33(7), 1302-1312, (2012),(I 0.745)
  151. Ibrahim A. Abbas “Torsional Wave Propagation in a Poroelastic Hollow Circular Cylinder" Journal of Physics,  1(3), 4-8.
  152. Ibrahim A. Abbas and A.N. Abdalla “A Two-dimensional Wave Propagation in  a Poroelastic Infinite Circular Cylinder" Journal of Physics, (2012) Vol. 1(3), pp. 32-38
  153. Ibrahim A. Abbas& M. I. Othman “Plane Waves in Generalized Thermo-microstretch Elastic Solid with Thermal Relaxation using Finite Element Method”International Journal of Thermophysics 33:2407–2423 (2012),(I 0.745)
  154. 2011
  155. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Othman "Effect of rotation on plane waves at the free surface of a fibre-reinforced thermoelastic half-space using the finite element method" Meccanica, (2011),Vol. 46,(2) pp. 413-421.(IF. 2.196).
  156. Ibrahim Abbas & S. M. Abo-Dahab "LS model on Thermal Shock Problem of Generalized Magneto-thermoelasticity for an Infinitely Long Annular Cylinder with Variable Thermal Conductivity" Applied Mathematical Modelling,(2011), Vol. 35(8), 3759-3768.(IF 2.35).
  157. Ibrahim A. Abbas, Abo-el-nour N. Abd-alla and Mohamed annd I. A. Othman "Generalized magneto-thermoelasticity in a fibre-reinforced anisotropic half-space" International Journal of Thermophysics(2011), 32: 1098-1110.(I 0.745)
  158. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Abo-el-nour N. Abd-alla: "A study of generalized thermoelastic interaction in an infinite fibre-reinforced anisotropic plate containing a circular hole"Acta Physica Polonica A(2011), 119(6): 814-818.(I 0.469).
  159. Ibrahim A. Abbas and Abo-el-nour N. Abd-alla "Effect of initial stress on a fibre-reinforced anisotropic thermoelastic thick plate" International Journal of Thermophysics(2011), 32: 1071-1085.(I 0.745)
  160. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Mohamed I. A. Othman"Thermal Shock Problem in a Homogeneous Isotropic Hollow Cylinder with Energy Dissipation"Computational Mathematics and Modeling(2011), vol. 22(3), pp. 266-277. (ISI)
  161. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. El-Amin & Amgad Salama & Shuyu Sun "On the viscous dissipation modeling of thermal fluid flow in a porous medium" Archive of Applied Mechanics(2011), vol. 81(12), pp. 1865-1876.(IF 49)
  162. Ibrahim A. Abbas "A two-dimensional problem for a fibre-reinforced anisotropic thermoelastic half-space with energy dissipation" Sadhana(2011), vol. 36(3), pp. 411-423.(I 0.465)
  163. M. El-Naggar, Ibrahim A. Abbas, S. Abo-dahab and M. Elsagheer Influence of initial stress as a convective boundary condition on natural frequencies of a poroelastic hollow cylinder” int. review of physics (IREPHY) 5(6) pp. 402-411, (2011) (IF 6.843)
  164. Rajneesh Kumar, Vijay Chawla & Ibrahim A. Abbas “Effect of Viscosity on Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Thermoelastic with Three-Phase-Lag Model” Theoretical and Applied Mechanics39, No.4, pp. 313–341, Belgrade (2012), (ISI)
  165. 2010
  166. Ibrahim A. Abbas& M. El-Amin & Amgad Salama "Viscous dissipation effect on natural convection in a fluid saturated porous medium" Journal of Porous Media 13(31) pp. 989-997, 2010.(IF 1.144).
  167. Ibrahim Abbas & Palani G. "The Effects of Magneto Hydro Dynamic Flow Paste a Vertical Plate with Variable Surface Temperature" Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 31(3), pp. 329-338, 2010. (IF. 1.205).
  168. 2009
  169. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. El-Amin & Amgad Salama "Effect of thermal dispersion on free convection in a fluid saturated porous medium" International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 30(2), Pp. 229-236, 2009. (IF 1.873)
  170. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. Othman "Effect of rotation on thermoelstic waves with Green-Naghdi theory in a homogeneous isotropic hollow cylinder" Journal of Industrial Mathematics Vol. 1(2), Pp. 121-134, (2009).
  171. Ibrahim A. Abbas "Generalized magneto-thermoelasticity in a non-homogeneous isotropic hollow cylinder using finite element methodArchive of Applied Mechanics 79(1), pp. 41-50, 2009. (IF 1.49)
  172. A. Mohamed & Ibrahim A. Abbas & S. M. Abo-Dahab "Finite Element Analysis of Hydromagnetic Flow and Heat Transfer of a Heat Generation Fluid over a Surface Embeded in a Porous Medium under Influence of Chemical Reaction" Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation Vol. 14(4), Pp. 1385-1395, 2009.(IF. 2.784)
  173. Palani G. & Ibrahim Abbas "Combined Effects of Magnetohydrodynamics and Radiation Flow Past an Impulsively Started Isothermal Vertical Plate" Nonlinear Anal Model, Vol. 14(1), 73–84, 2009 (IF 0.952)
  174. Ibrahim A. Abbas & Hamdy Youssef "Finite Element Method of Two-Temperature Generalized Magneto-Thermoelasticity” Archive of Applied Mechanics 79(10), 971-925, 2009. (IF 1.49)
  175. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. El-Amin "Effect of thermal dispersion on free convection in a fluid saturated porous medium" International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 14(3), 615-632, 2009,(ISI)
  176. M F El-Amin, Ibrahim A. Abbas, and H Kanayama “Combined effect of viscous dissipation and thermal dispersion in a fluid saturated porous medium using finite element method” In: 15th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF09) Chuo University April 1-3, 2009, Tokyo , Japan
  177. 2008
  178. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. El-Amin & Gorla "Boundary layer natural convection in a fluid saturated porous medium using finite element method" J. Fluid Mech. Research. Vol. 35(5) pp. 445-458, 2008, (ISI)
  179. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. El-Amin & Amgad Salama "Combined effect of thermal dispersion and radiation on free convection in a fluid saturated porous medium" Forschung im Ingenieurwesen "Engineering Research" 72(3) pp135-144, 2008. (IF 0.185)
  180. Ibrahim A. Abbas & A.N. Abd-alla "Effects of thermal relaxations on thermoelastic interactions in an infinite orthotropic elastic medium with a cylindrical cavity" Archive of Applied Mechanics 78(4) pp. 283-293, 2008.(IF 1.49)
  181. Ibrahim A. Abbas "Finite element method of thermal shock problem in a non-homogeneous isotropic hollow cylinder with two relaxation times " Forschung im Ingenieurwesen "Engineering Research" 72(2), 2008. (IF 0.185)
  182. 2007
  183. Ibrahim A. Abbas & M. El-Amin & Gorla "Effects of thermal radiation on natural convection in a porous medium" J. Fluid Mech. Research Vol. 34(2), pp 129-144, 2007, (ISI)
  184. Ibrahim A. Abbas "Finite element analysis of the thermoelastic interactions in an unbounded body with a cavity" Forschung im Ingenieurwesen "Engineering Research" 71(3-4), pp. 215-222, 2007. (IF 0.185)
  185. Hamdy Youssef & Ibrahim A. Abbas "Thermal Shock Problem of Generalized Thermoelasticity for an Infinitely Long Annular Cylinder with Variable Thermal Conductivity" Computational Methods in Science and Technology, 13(2), 95-100, 2007.
  186. 2006
  187. Ibrahim A. Abbas "Natural frequencies of a poroelastic hollow cylinder" Acta Mechanica 186 1-4 pp  229-237, 2006. (IF 1.851)
  188. Ibrahim A. Abbas "Finite Element Analysis of Transient Free Convection Flow over Vertical Plate" Forschung im Ingenieurwesen "Engineering Research" 70(4), pp. q263-268, 2006.  (IF 0.185)
  189. 2004
  190. Acatuerk, W. Ehlers & Ibrahim Abbas "Modelling of Swelling Phenomena in Charged Hydrated Porous Media" Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  4(2004), 292-297.
  191. 2003
  192. Ehlers, A. Acatuerk, B. Markert & Ibrahim Abbas "On swelling phenomena in case of hydrogel and articular cartilage" Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on the Finite Element Method in Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics and Releted Fields, Universität Ulm, 2003, 3-9806183-6-6, pp. 1-13.
  193. Ehlers, A. Acatuerk,Ibrahim Abbas & B. Markert "A 3-d model for finite viscoelsatic swelling of charged tissues and gels" Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3 (2003), 242-243.
  194. 2002
  195. N. Abd-alla & Ibrahim Abbas "A problem of generalized magneto-thermoelasticity for an infinitely long, perfectly conducting cylinder" Journal of thermal stresses(25), (2002), 1009-1025. (IF 1.493)
  196. N. Abd-alla & Ibrahim Abbas "Magnetoelastic longitudinal wave propagation in a transversely isotropic circular cylinder" Appl. Math. and Comput.127(2-3) (2002), 347-360. (IF 1.738),
  197. N. Abd-alla & Ibrahim Abbas"Effect of non-homogeneity on the stresses in a composite cylindrical shell placed in a magnetic field" Journal of Egyptian Math. Soc. 10(1), 73-85, 2002 74K25 (74F15)
  198. 2000
  199. N. Abd-alla & Ibrahim Abbas "Effect of non-homogeneity on the stresses in a composite cylindrical shell placed in a magnetic field" Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematics and the 21th Century, Cairo, Egypt, January 15-20, 2000


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