Full Name | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samy Sadek |
samy.bakheet@science.sohag.edu.eg | |
Gender | Male |
Faculty | Faculty of Computers and Information |
Degree | Professor |
Address | P. O Box 82533 Sohag, Egypt |
Current Position | Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Research |
General Specialization | Neuro-Information Technology (NIT) |
Specialization | Artificial Vsion |
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic | التعرف علي الصور الرقمية |
Title of Master's Thesis in English | Digital Image Detection |
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic | تمثيل الأنشطة البشرية والتعرف عليها من خلال صور الفبديو |
Title of PhD thesis in English | Video-Based Recognition and Representation of Human Activities |
Supervisory and administrative functions | Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research |
Phone | 4601985 |
Fax | 934601159 |
Mobile | 01066712499 |
Facebook URL | http://www.iikt.ovgu.de/Lehrst%C3%BChle+und+Fachgebiete/NIT/Mitarbeiter/Samy+Bakheet.html |
Twitter URL | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GDmpz1EAAAAJ&hl=en |
Youtube URL | http://www.iikt.ovgu.de/Lehrst%C3%BChle+und+Fachgebiete/NIT/Mitarbeiter/Samy+Bakheet.html |
Google+ URL | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GDmpz1EAAAAJ&hl=en |
Google Scholar URL | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GDmpz1EAAAAJ&hl=en |
Linked in URL | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ing-samy-bakheet-92b309b6/ |
Research Gate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samy-Bakheet |
EKP بنك المعرفة المصري | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samy-Bakheet |
Resume: Samy Bakheet received the Engineering doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.) in Neuro-Information Technology (NIT) from Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany in 2013. Currently, he is an associate Professor of Neuro-Information Technology (Major: Intelligent Vision Systems) and he severs as a Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research in the Faculty of Computers and Information at Sohag University, Egypt. His research interests are geared towards high-level recognition problems in machine vision, such as human activity/event recognition, human pose estimation, object/scene recognition, etc. He also works on various multimedia related applications, such as visual surveillance, content-based image/video retrieval, video summarization, and semantic video annotation. Dr. Bakheet has authored close to 50 refereed technical papers in well reputed journals and international conference/symposium proceedings in the fields of machine vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, medical imaging, biometrics and robotics.
For a more detailed version of my resume highlighting my qualifications and relevant experience, view my CV attached as a PDF file below.