- Define a digital image.
- Explain the steps involved in digital image processing (DIP).
- What is a geometric transformation?
- Obtain the digital negative of the 8-bit gray level image shown on the right.
- What is meant by pixel?
- Write short notes on neighbors of a pixel.
- Differentiate Median and Mean filter.
- Given a image shown on the right. What will the value of the center pixel change to when this image is passed through
- Arithmetic mean filter
- Geometric mean filter
- Harmonic mean filter
- Max-filter
- Min-filter?
- What do you mean by Color model? List the applications of color models.
- Explain CMY color model.
- Briefly explain how RGB color image can be converted to grayscale image.
- With neat figures, show the histograms of four basic types of images; i.e., dark, bright, low-contrast, and high-contrast images.
- What is Hue and saturation?
- What is the difference between grayscale image and binary image?
- What is the number of bits required to store a image with gray levels?
- Given grey scale image with pixel intensities between [37..209].
- What point operation is necessary to map the pixels to the [0..255] range?
- What point operation is necessary to go from [0..255] back to [37..209]?
- Do you think you will get the same image back again? Explain.
- The two images shown on the right are quite different, but their histograms are identical. Both images have size , with white (1) and black (0) pixels. Suppose that both images are blurred with smoothing mask.
- Would the resultant histograms still the same?
- Draw the two histograms and explain your answer.
- Given a grayscale image I, we want to find all its pixels that are in the domain [a, b]. Design a function F = func(I, a, b) that returns a binary matrix F that is of the same size as I, where 1 for pixels satisfying the domain condition and 0 otherwise.