
رفعت محمود محمد فرغلي

استاذ - أستاذ متفرغ

كلية الطب البيطرى

العنوان: محافظة سوهاج-مدينة طهطا-ش لطيف باشا-الزهراء



This is Prof. Dr. Refaat Mahmoud Farghaly


Prof. Refaat was born on February 2, 1956 in Sohag Egypt.  

He received Ph.D. in veterinary sciences  and worked as head of food department at  faculty of veterinary medicine, South valley University, Egypt, in 2001-2009.

He  was وكيل الكلية لشئون البيئة بكلية الطب البيطري جامعة قنا .

At present, his affiliation is the Sohag University, Egypt. He works in the field of meat hygiene, mycotoxins, toxic Asperigellus spp. in meat and meat products. He has published number of papers in international journals and many conference papers. 

هذا الموقع مفيد في مجال الطب البيطري في تخصص الرقابة الصحية علي الأغذية خصوصا في الرقابة الصحية علي اللحوم ومنتجاتها ولحوم الدواجن والأسماك ومنتجاتها

2020-10-10 09:51:47
علي جميع الطلاب تسليم الابحاث الخاصة بهم للقسم بموعد اقصاه 1-12-2019 إقراء المزيد

2020-10-10 09:49:54
شفوي الفرقة الرابعة
تقرر عقد امتحان الشفوي لطلاب الفرقة الرابعة عقب امتحان النظري مباشرة إقراء المزيد

2020-10-10 09:48:58
امتحان الشفوي
تقرر عقد الامتحان الشفوي للدراسات العليا يوم الاحد 1-12-2019 إقراء المزيد

2020-10-10 09:47:43
مؤتمر الكلية يوم 10-3-2020 بالقاعة الزجاجية الجامعه القديمة 10ص إقراء المزيد

2020-10-10 09:46:30
ندعوكم لحضور سيمنار خاص ب حسام الدين كمال يوم الاحد 8-10-2019 إقراء المزيد

2020-10-11 18:47:37 | الكلمات المفتاحية carcass, Fasciola,
incidence of fasciola hepatica in beef carcass in sohag governorate
presence of fasciola spp in meat in sohag city during years 2010 -2012 إقراء المزيد

2020-10-11 18:53:23 | الكلمات المفتاحية Cysticercus,
incidence of cysticercus spp in beef carcass in sohag governorate
incidence of cysticercus spp in beef carcass in sohag governorate إقراء المزيد

2020-10-10 09:01:03 | الكلمات المفتاحية mycology,
Mycological investigations in beef and chicken
ABSTRACT A total of 40 samples of beef and chicken luncheon (20 samples for each) were collected from different markets in Giza city. Samples were subjected to Mycological investigations. Beef luncheon were highly contaminated than chicken luncheon (3.1 x 103 /g ±0.3x 10³) and (4.0 x 102 /g ±0.2x 10² ) respectively . Seven mould genera were isolated from examined ... إقراء المزيد

2019-01-02 13:31:55 | الكلمات المفتاحية BACTERIOLOGICAL EVALUATION ,
SUMMARY One hundred sheep carcasses were inspected at Qena abattoirs for determination of yellow colored carcasses. From the inspected carcasses 27(27%) were attained yellow coloration and could be differentiated into 18(66.6%) physiological and 9(33.3) pathological yellow colored carcasses. A total of 216 samples consisted of 144 from physiological and 72 from pathological yellow colored carcasses were collected from 8 different ... إقراء المزيد

2019-01-02 13:33:59 | الكلمات المفتاحية BACTERIOLOGICAL EVALUATION ,
تقييم الحالة البكتريولوجية لذبائح الأغنام الصفراء سواء كانت وظيفيا أو مرضيا (اليرقان)
SUMMARY One hundred sheep carcasses were inspected at Qena abattoirs for determination of yellow colored carcasses. From the inspected carcasses 27(27%) were attained yellow coloration and could be differentiated into 18(66.6%) physiological and 9(33.3) pathological yellow colored carcasses. A total of 216 samples consisted of 144 from physiological and 72 from pathological yellow colored carcasses were collected from 8 different ... إقراء المزيد

2019-01-19 10:46:18 | meat hygiene & control
midterm ,exam, meat hygiene &control 1st term
1- comment on the following: a- prerequists for transportation of animal to slaughter house? b- conditions of emergency slaughtered animals c- onset of rigor mortis. إقراء المزيد

2019-01-10 23:26:13 | meat hygiene & control
affections caused by transportation? prerequistes during transporting aniamls? resting animal, fasting, watering? إقراء المزيد

2019-01-10 23:22:14 | slaugtering of food animals
methods of slaughter
enumerate different methods of slaughtering animals? drawbacks of stunning? meat splash, define, mechanism? effect of exciting or exhaustion on meat? إقراء المزيد

2019-01-10 21:53:45 | meat hygiene & control
DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this guidebook, the following definitions shall apply: 1- Slaughterhouse Any building or place used for killing of animals where the flesh is intended for human consumption, typical situation and floor plan of a slaughterhouse is illustrated in Annex A 2- Stunning pen Compartment which is suitable for confining only one animal at a time while ... إقراء المزيد