
Asem Elsani Mohamed Ali Hassan

Professor - Professor of General and Laparo-endoscopic Surgery, General Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of medicine

Address: Towers' area, Corniche Al-Nile Street, Nida, Sohag


2019 | Keywords Complicated appendicitis, appe,
Early surgical intervention in appendicular mass: Is it safe?
Objective: To evaluate the safety and outcome of early appendectomy in appendicular mass especially in the era of laparoscopy. Patients and methods: A prospective study of 39 patients who were operated for appendicular mass in the period from September 2005 to October 2009. Early appendectomy was performed through open (OA) or laparoscopic techniques (LA). Results: 21(53.8%) females and 18 (46.2%) ... Read more

Bariatric surgery between encouragement and inhibition, Sohag experience of first 30 cases with encouraging results (A single center case series study).
BACKGROUND: Bariatric surgery is associated with improved co-morbidities, quality of life,and survival in severely obese patients. Common bariatric surgery procedures include Roux-en-Y gastric bypass(RYGB), laparoscopic adjustable gastric band(LAGB), and sleeve gastrectomy (SG). Currently, literature studying comparative effectiveness on different bariatric surgery procedures. OBJECTIVES: To compare effectiveness of laparoscopic bariatric surgery procedures performed in our center. SETTING: laparoscopy unit, general surgery ... Read more

Impact of graft steatosis on postoperative complications after liver transplantation.
Non-alcololic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has a great concern in regards to liver transplantation (LT); from becoming the second most common cause of of transplant candidates due to its high worldwide prevalence and from the other hand, the urgent need for increasing the donor pool by using marginal donors with graft steatosis, especially in living donor LT. It has been ... Read more

Review on liver steatosis and its impact on liver transplantation.
The lack of available organs for liver transplantation (LT) associated with the increased death rates among patients on the waiting lists for LT has triggered the use of so-called extended criteria donor (ECD) grafts. Among the wide range of these ECD livers, hepatic steatosis is one of the most frequent disorders, which is mostly related to an increasing prevalence of ... Read more

2017 | Keywords stromal tumou, gastric tumours,
Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs): aggressive tumours overlooked by many surgeons.
ABSTRACT Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) are neoplasms that arise either from the mesenchymal tissue of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or, rarely, from other intra-abdominal soft tissues. They represent the most common (85%) mesenchymal tumors that affect the GIT, and form 0.1% ̶ 3% of GI malignancies. More than 80% occurs in individuals older than 50 years, with no sex predilection. ... Read more

Surgical and non-surgical treatment of non-traumatic gallbladder perforation.
Objective: Our aim was to present a single-center experience in the management of gallbladder perforation (GBP). Patients and methods: Adult patients who had GBP were managed surgically and percutaneously. Patients who were high risk surgical candidates or who refused surgery were managed by image guided percutaneous drainage. Results: Thirty-seven patients (21 males, 16 females) with an average age of 64 ... Read more

Congenital hand anomalies in Upper Egypt.
Background: Congenital hand anomalies are numerous and markedly variant. Their significance is attributed to the frequent occurrence and their serious social, psychological and functional impacts on patient’s life. Patients and Methods: This is a follow‑up study of 64 patients with hand anomalies of variable severity. All patients were presented to Plastic Surgery Department of Sohag University Hospital in a period ... Read more

2016 | Keywords Trauma, road-traffic accidents,
Patterns of injury associated with motorcycle accidents in Upper Egypt.
INTRODUCTION AND AIM OF THE WORK: Motorcyclists are about three times more likely than car occupants to be injured in a crash, and 16 times more likely to die. This study was an exploratory one to assess the magnitude of the problem of motorcycle accidents in Upper Egypt, to detect the common patterns of injury associated with these accidents and ... Read more

2015 | Keywords choledochoscopoe, calcular obs,
The diagnostic and therapeutic accuracy of choledochoscopy during laparoscopic choledocholithotomy.
Abstract The management of combined gallstones and CBD stones should include removal of the􀀀gallbladder and clearance of the duct system which can be achieved by ERCP and extraction of stones before operation or directly with laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) and laparoscopic common duct exploration (LCDE). LCDE can be done under fluoroscopic or choledochoscopic guidance. Choledochoscopy provides the ultimate in visualization and ... Read more

2015 | Keywords obstructive jaundice, CBD ston,
Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration: Initial experience at Sohag University Hospital, Upper Egypt.
The management of combined gall stones and CBD stones should include removal of thegallbladder and clearance of the duct system which can be achieved by ERCP and extraction of stones before operation or directly with laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) and laparoscopic common duct exploration (LCDE). LCDE is well accepted by patients because treatment is obtained during the same anesthesia. :AIMTO ASSESS ... Read more