
Tarek Abulezz

Professor - Professor of Plastic Surgery

Faculty of medicine

Address: Plastic Surgery Dep., Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University


Management of Rare Craniofacial Anomalies in Charity Missions: Community-Based Solutions
In poor communities, patients may suffer from health conditions requiring special management that are not available locally. Missionary visiting teams have attempted to address these issues in collaboration with local healthcare authorities. Children with craniofacial anomalies represent one of these challenging issues. Here we present the senior author’s experience in management of rare craniofacial anomalies during missionary visits to Yemen ... Read more

Comparison between Conventional Microsuturing Technique and Fibrin Glue in Repair of Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Common etiologies of peripheral nerve injury include penetrating injury, crush, stretch, and ischemia. Management of nerve injury requires familiarity with the relevant anatomy, pathology, pathophysiology, and the surgical principles, approaches and concerns. Surgical repair is done at varying time intervals after the injury, and there are a number of considerations in deciding whether and when to operate. Repair of peripheral ... Read more

The Adhesive Role of Platelets Offers a New Concept in Skin Flap
BACKGROUND: Platelets immediately appear at the site of tissue injury in large numbers. By releasing secretory proteins from their [alpha]-granules on activation, platelets set the pace of wound healing; with their effects remaining long after the clot has been cleared. OBJECTIVE(S): The enhancement of healing by the placement of a supraphysiologic concentration of autologous platelets at the site of tissue ... Read more

Neonatal Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis: A Technique for Treating Neonateswith Micrognathia and Risk of Respiratory Obstruction
Small lower jaw may be a reason of upper respiratory obstruction in neonates. Neonatal upper airway obstruction is a life threatening condition often requiring urgent interference. Typically, the treating neonatologist first stabilizes the patient’s airway via intubation, a nasal airway or proper patient positioning. Although the tracheostomy is a life-saving procedure in these circumstances, it is associated with numerous complications. ... Read more

Soft Tissue Reconstruction of Hand Trauma: A 1-year Retrospective Study of 745 Cases.
Purpose: A large number of hand injuries is presented to Sohag university casualty unite which attract our attention to the need to establish a specialized services to hand trauma through which, we can assess the prevalence and pattern of hand trauma in one year period in the casualty unit of Sohag University hospital and evaluate different techniques of reconstruction of ... Read more

Mammoplasty in Correcting Scar-Induced Breast Deformities
Post-burn or post-inflammatory scarring of the breast may have significant effects on the shape and volume of the breast as well as on the nipple-areola complex (NAC). Significant asymmetry of the breasts and distortion of the NAC may result, with marked consequent psychological and physiological sequelae for the patients. This report presents three cases of scar-induced breast deformities and the ... Read more

Aplasia cutis congenita: Two cases of non-scalp lesions
Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a rare condition characterized by a localized absence of skin and in some cases, the subcutaneous tissues. The majority of cases occur in the scalp; however, the lesion may occur anywhere in the trunk and extremities. ACC is most often an isolated defect, but it can be associated with other anomalies. Most reported cases are ... Read more

Trends of Facial Fractures in Sohag: A 10-year Retrospective Review of 1830 Cases
significant physiologically, functionally, and aesthetically problems. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the pattern of facial injuries presented to Plastic Surgery Department at Sohag University Hospital. Patients and methods: A retrospective analysis of patients with facial injuries presented to the plastic surgery department in a 10 year duration (1999-2009) of 1830 cases. Results: Patients’ records from 1999 to ... Read more

Repair of recurrent midline abdominal wall dehiscence using the components separation technique
BACKGROUND: Postoperative abdominal wound dehiscence is usually heavily contaminated with the scarring and friability of tissues making the repair of such wounds a difficult task. PATIENT AND METHODS: a modified components separation technique was used to repair a recurrent midline post-exploratory wound dehiscence in a 25-year-old male patient who was explored twice for post traumatic intra-abdominal hemorrhage. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: ... Read more

2008 | Keywords Subcutaneous lipoma, nasal,
Nasal subcutaneous lipoma, a case report
OBJECTIVE: We report an extremely rare case of subcutaneous lipoma of the nasal vestibule. METHOD: A case report and a review of the literature concerning lipomatous growths in the nose and paranasal cavities are presented. RESULTS: A 34-year-old male presented with a swelling protruding from the dome of the right nasal vestibule. The swelling was excised and histological examination revealed ... Read more