
تيتــو نعيم يوسف حبيب محمد

استاذ - أستاذ الوراثة والبيولوجية الجزيئية وتقييم المخاطر-قسم علم الحيوان-كلية العلوم، ونقيب العلميين بسوهاج.

كلية العلوم

العنوان: سوهاج-ش نور الأسلام (الترعة المردومة) برج الأتحاد الدور الحادي عشر-خلف المستشفي الجامعي



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: Stomata

2018-11-24 23:34:01 الكلمات المفتاحية Stomata, , Dust, , biomonitoring, Air pollution, Ficus nitida,
Bio-monitoring of Airborne Dust Particles Pollutants by Morpho-anatomical Reactions of Urban Tree Leaves Under Dry Climate
THIS IS A MORO- ANATOMICAL study where Ficus nitida tree leaves from dust-affected street are compared with those of control from a pollution free site. Under the impact of dust particles, leaf sizes and specific leaf area are significantly smaller and stomatal density differs. Under pollution circumstances, visual symptoms including chlorosis /yellowish and dark spots on the adaxial surface of ... إقراء المزيد

2018-11-24 23:40:46 الكلمات المفتاحية Olea europaea, , epidermis, Stomata, xylem, morphology, Cement dust, Libya,
Morpho-Anatomical Characteristics of Olive (Olea europaea L.) Trees Leaf as Bio-indicator of Cement Dust Air Pollution in Libya
Comparisons were made between the anatomical and morphological changes in olive tree leaves from a site with relatively clean air (Al-Khadra area), and two sites (al-Khums and Zelatin) near to cement factories in the area east to Tripoli, Libya. Olive tree leaves exhibited marked variations in their morphological and anatomical characteristics, in relations to variations in the site cement dust ... إقراء المزيد

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