Heterosis and Combining Ability for Earliness, Yield, and Fruit Quality of Some Egyptian Melon Inbred Lines via Line × Tester Analysis
Six sweet melon (Cucumis melo var. aegyptiacus) inbred lines, ‘Ana-3’ (L1), ‘Esm-4’ (L2), ‘War-4’ (L3), ‘Fal-5’ (L4), ‘Mas-4’ (L5) and ‘Kha-4’ (L6), were utilized in line × tester top crosses with three muskmelon (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus) inbred lines ‘Kur-2’ (T1), ‘Gw-4’ (T2) and ‘Hira-2’ (T3), resulting in 18 hybrids (F1) during the fall season (August-November) of 2008. The eighteen ... إقراء المزيد