
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samy Sadek

Professor - Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Research

Faculty of Computers and Information

Address: P. O Box 82533 Sohag, Egypt



Publications Which contain the keyword: Hand Gesture Recognition

Hand gesture recognition using optimized local gabor feature
Since a bank of 2D Gabor filters has a large potential to isolate texture according to particular frequencies and orientations, the usage of Gabor features to simulate the visual features extracted from human hand is a very effective way. In this paper, we propose an optimized Gabor features based framework for real-time hand gesture recognition explicitly targeted to depth data. ... Read more

Gesture recognition using optimized gabor features
Since a bank of 2D Gabor filters has a large potential to isolate texture according to particular frequencies and orientations, the usage of Gabor features to simulate the visual features extracted from human hand is a very effective way. In this paper, we propose an optimized Gabor features based framework for real-time hand gesture recognition explicitly targeted to depth data. ... Read more

A fuzzy framework for real-time gesture spotting and recognition
A vital requirement of any recognition system claiming to be real time is the capability to perform feature extraction in real time. In this paper, we propose an innovative fuzzy approach for real-time dynamic gesture recognition and spotting, where a compact local descriptor is designed to model moving gesture skeletons as a time series of fuzzy statistical features. Then, a ... Read more

Hand Gesture Recognition Using Optimized Local Gabor Features
Since a bank of 2D Gabor filters has a large potential to isolate texture according to particular frequencies and orientations, the usage of Gabor features to simulate the visual features extracted from human hand is a very effective way. In this paper, we propose an optimized Gabor features based framework for real-time hand gesture recognition explicitly targeted to depth data. ... Read more

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