
Prof.Dr.Asran Mohamed Hassan Asran

Professor -

Faculty of science

Address: Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University



Publications Which contain the keyword: Egypt

2020-11-28 15:44:14 Keywords Miocene, Echinoids, Egypt,
Elattaar, A. A. (2017): Miocene echinoids from the Sadat area, South Gebel Ataqa, NW Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10(11);1-29.
Abstract The echinoid fauna from the Miocene sedimentary succession cropping out south Wadi Tweirig, and Wadi Hommath, south Gebel Ataqa, NW Gulf of Suez, has been examined with the aim to known their stratigraphic and paleogeographic distribution. The Miocene succession includes two formations: Sadat Formation, unconformably overlying the middle/upper Eocene rocks at the base and Hommath Formation at the top. ... Read more

Sources and behavior of trace elements in groundwater in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
Due to water scarcity, the groundwater will represent an essential source of water in many communities worldwide. This study was carried out to investigate the main hydrogeochemical characteristic of trace elements composition, their sources, and its vulnerability in groundwater to the human population. Fifteen groundwater samples were collected from boreholes and hand dug wells from the South Eastern Desert, Egypt, ... Read more

Characterization and environmental impact assessment of gold mine tailings in arid regions: a case study of Barramiya gold mine area, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
Geochemical and mineralogical characterization and environmental impact assessment were performed on Barramiya gold mine tailings, Eastern Desert, Egypt. The Barramiya gold mine is situated within ophiolite decorated Nugrus suture zone, which composed of dismembered sequence of highly deformed and metamorphosed mafic to ultramafic rocks and their hydrothermal alteration products (carbonate rocks), interbedded with meta-volcano clastic rocks of the Nubian Shield. ... Read more

2018-11-20 09:33:31 Keywords prevalence, ARIs, Egypt,
Prevalence of acute respiratory infection and related risk factors in school age children in Egypt: a cross-sectional study
he aim of this study is to detect the prevalence of ARI in school children and their related risk factors. This crosssectional study was conducted in Sohag and Qena governorates, Upper Egypt. A questionnaire was presented to randomly selected students. The questionnaire consisted of two domains to find the prevalence of ARI and to examine their potential risk factors. The ... Read more

Helminth and Arthropod parasites of sandy fox, Vulpes ruppeli (Fissipedea, Carnivora) from Sohag, Egypt, with redescription of Platynosomum fastosum (Digenea: Dicrocoeliidae)
This work deas with the Helminth and Arthropod parasites of sandy fox, Vulpes ruppeli (Fissipedea, Carnivora) from Sohag, Egypt, with redescription of Platynosomum fastosum (Digenea: Dicrocoeliidae) Read more

2018-10-03 08:18:18 Keywords Sodmein, Dokhan volcanics, , Eastern Desert, Egypt, , Geochemistry,
Petrological and geochemical investigations of Dokhan volcanics in Wadi Sodmein area, Central Eastern desert, Egypt.
Wadi Sodmein area lies to the northwest of Quseir town on the Red Sea. The studied volcanic rocks are distinguished into Dokhan Volcanics and felsites. The Dokhan Volcanics are subdivided into two rock units, an older unit of andesite-dacite composition and a younger unit of rhyolite, rhyolitic tuffs and ignimbrite. They have petrographical and geochemical features similar to calc-alkaline, subduction-related ... Read more

Subduction-related Wadi Dabr  metagabbro-diorite complex, intrusive gabbros and the enclosed opaques, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
The Dabr metagabbro-quartz diorite intrusion (DMQD), commonly described as metagabbro-diorite complex, occurring along Wadi Dabr, forms an elongated mass intruded into the metavolcanics and associated pyroclastics. It is intruded by younger gabbro (Ygb) and younger granites. The DMQD comprises metagabbro, diorites , quartz diorite and appinites.. Variation diagrams of the DMQD suggest fractional crystallization by separation of pyroxene followed by ... Read more

Hydrogeological conditions and aquifers potentiality for sustainable development of the desert areas in Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt
To increase the potentiality of development and land reclamation activities, the Egyptian government funds the construction of a new desert road in Upper Egypt. This road connects Upper Egypt with the Red Sea Governorate. Surrounding the road is 207,000 acres of land surface which is almost flat and suitable for reclamation. To ensure the sustainability of the proposed development surrounding ... Read more

Effect of Water-Rock Interaction Processes on the Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater West of Sohag Area, Egypt
Groundwater is used intensively for land reclamations and domestic purposes in new reclaimed areas west of the Nile Valley in Sohag Governorate, Upper Egypt as it is the only source of water in the area. Twenty-six groundwater samples are collected to evaluate the hydrochemical characteristics and the impact of water–rock interaction on the chemistry of groundwater using classical geochemical and ... Read more

2018-09-28 20:33:38 Keywords land management, low quality water, soil properties, Sohag, Egypt,
Soil Properties as Affected by Different Land Management Practices in the Sohag Region, South Egypt
In Egypt, there is a growing need for information relating to soil condition, its current status, and thenature and direction of change in response to management pressures. This information are required by landmanagers, and regional, state and national agencies to inform modified management and land-use practices andinvestment to maintain and improve the soil resource. The aim of the present investigation ... Read more