Hirsutism is a common clinical condition that usually has a
benign course. A genetic abnormality causing hirsutism is supported
by the observation that different members of the same family are
often affected.The goal of this study is to evaluate the genetic aspect
of inheritance and consanguinity patterns of hirsute cases in Qassim
region, Saudia Arabia. A total 83 hirsute patients were studied during
one year duration. All patients underwent detailed history and
thorough clinical evaluation. Ultrasonography and hormonal profiles
were performed.The most common cause of hirsutism in this study
was due to polycystic ovary (PCO) that was present in 52 patients
(62.65%) followed by idiopathic hirsutism (IH) in 30 patients (36.14%)
in addition to one case of late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Acne was encountered in 34 (65.38%) of cases of PCO and in
13(43.33%) of cases of IH. Positive family history and consanguinity
were encountered in 48(57.83%) and 49 (59.03%) cases respectively.
Our study suggested that hirsutism is a familial disorder. Inheritance
pattern appeared to be possible particular from the maternal
followed by the paternal side of the family.