Objective: neurotrophin  - 3 (NT-3) and its high affinityreceptor tyrosine kinase  C  (TrK  C)  are essential  for  nervous system development. Recently, it has been  shown thatthese  members of the  neurotrophin    family   are also   involved   in  murine  hair morhoenesis  and  ycling. However,  their   role  in  human hair    follicle    biology    remains to   be   elucidated. As   a   first step towards  this  end,  we have previously shown the immunohistochemical expression   of NGF  and TrK A in human skin and   hair  follicle (Adly  and Nada..

Aim  of  work:   In order continue    exploring    the  role   of neurotrophins  in human skin and hair   follicle biology,  the immunreactivity (lR)  of  NT-3 and Trk  C  was  studied,  as a second step, in   human  scalp skin  and hair  follicles   (Hf)  in situ by  immuucfluorescent and light microscopic immnunohistology.

Results:  Both  NT-3  and  Trk C showed prominent, distinct IR   patterns in  human   scalp anagen  hair follicle  (anagcn VI), whereas they  were weakly expressed   in catagen  and  re increased   in  telogen     hair follicles.  Within  hair follicle compartment,  NT-3    IR    was prominent   in   ihe  outer    root sheath  (ORSJ,   inner ru1t sheath (IRS),   dermal   papilla   (DPj   and connective   tissue  sheath  (CTS) Trk  C IR was  prominent    in all hair     follicle       epithelial       and mesenchymal      compartments. Outside     the  hair  follicle compartment, both  NT-3  and Trk C showed  prominent(IR) in the  epidermis,   sebaceous   gland and  sweat  gland

Conclusion:  These observations provide  the first indication that  NT-3 and Trk  C are  expressed  in  human    scalp skin   and  HF,  and  suggest   that Irk   C- mediated signalling   is involved,  not   only   in murine, hut  also  in  human   HF biology, and  promises prospective therapeutic  strategy for the treatment of hair cycle  and skin related  disorders.

