The present study was carried out at Kom-Ombo
Agricultural Research Station Farm, Aswan Governorate,
Agricultural Research Centre, Giza, Egypt, to evaluate the
herbicide treatments on different weed species in sugarcane
fields and their control methods on yield and quality of
sugarcane. The obtained results revealed that, the weed
species observed in the sugarcane field were twelve weed
species belonging to nine families. Out of them three species
belong to the broad leaved perennial weeds (Convolulus
arvensis L., Sesbania sesban L., and Ipomoea cairica L.)
while six species belong to the broad- leaved annual weeds (
Hibiscus trionum L. , Corchorus sp, Euphorbia geniculate L.,
Portulaca oleraceae L. , Sida alba L., and Datura stramonium
L.) were observed. The grass perennial weeds were presented
by two species (Cyperus rotundus L. , and Cynodon dactylon
L.), while only one grass annual weed species were found (
Digitaria sanguinalis L.). Weed control treatments had a
significant affected on broad leaved, narrow, and total weeds
) in both seasons. The application of herbicides affected
the weed type and density but the response of different types
of weeds varied to different herbicides. In addition, weeds
control by herbicides treatments had a significant effect on
cane, and sugarcane yield , brix, sucrose , purity and sugar
recovery percentages in sugarcane