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مدرس - مدرس طب الأطفال - كلية الطب البشري

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج- مدينة ناصر - شارع الجامعة



Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students

2018-10-18 17:14:44 |

Endocrinal diseases are not uncommon in the pediatric age group. Congenital hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disease in neonates and the most important preventable mental disease worldwide. In older children, short stature and diabetes mellitus are more common. Timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment is important to ensure good quality of life

:The pediatric endocrinology curriculum for 5th year medical students includes the following topics

Short stature

Disorders of sexual differentiation

Puberty and its disorders

Diabetes mellitus in children

Thyroid diseases in children

Pediatric Endocrinology Quiz -1
Choose the correct answer * four year old girl presented with bilateral breasts development The cause may be all of the following except * Premature thelarche * Idiopathic precocious puberty * Thelarche variant * Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia * McCune-Albright syndrome * Eleven ye... إقراء المزيد

Clinical case scenario 1
Case (1) Mariam is a 6.5-year-old girl who presents to the Pediatric clinic with a 1-year history of breast development. She sweats more than previously and has body odour. She has no acne. Her periods have not started. Her mother feels that she has been growing taller at a faster rate in the past ... إقراء المزيد

Clinical case scenario 2
Clinical Case (2) Sara is a 5 year old girl brought to Pediatric clinic by her parents who were worried about her growth. The mother noted that Sara’s shoes size did not change for 1.5 year and she is still in clothes for 2 to 3 years old girls She was born at 38 weeks by normal vaginal delivery... إقراء المزيد

Pediatric Endocrinology Quiz -2
CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING * Causes of male under-verilization include all of the following except * Leydig cell hyperplasia * Metabolic defect in testosterone synthesis * 5-alpha-reductase deficiency * Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome * laboratory feature of Pseud... إقراء المزيد

Pediatric Endocrinology Quiz -3
Choose _THE CORRECT ANSWER_ for each of the following * GROWTH HORMONE DEFICIENCY * Is diagnosed by single blood sample test. * Is treated with monthly injection of growth hormone. * Is caused by lack of production of growth hormone by the posterior pituitary. * Can be excluded if there is advanced... إقراء المزيد

Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduat

2018-10-18 23:08:26 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
The aim of this lecture is to enable students to recognize and diagnose cases of short stature in children The learning objectives are Define short stature and discriminate pathological causes from normal variants Know the caus إقراء المزيد

Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduat

2018-10-18 23:15:59 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
The aim of this lecture is to provide students with basic knowledge of normal puberty and enable them to recognize its abnormalities The learning objectives are Understand normal physiological changes at puberty Assess the norm إقراء المزيد

Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduat

2018-10-18 23:24:54 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
The aim of this lecture is to provide students with basic knowledge of normal development of genitalia and enable them to recognize its abnormalities The learning objectives are Understand normal stages of development of genital إقراء المزيد

Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduat

2018-10-18 23:30:14 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
The aim of this lecture is to provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of pediatric thyroid disease and emphasize the importance of neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism The learning objectives are List إقراء المزيد

Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduat

2018-10-18 23:36:48 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
The aim of this lecture is to provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of the nature and management of childhood diabetes mellitus The learning objectives are Define the nature, types, clinical presentation and co إقراء المزيد

Growth charts for Egyptian boys between

2018-10-19 00:53:48 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
Growth charts for Egyptian boys between 2 to 21 years of age to be used by students for plotting the height, weight and body mass index for cases during clinical rounds إقراء المزيد

Growth charts for Egyptian girls between

2018-10-19 00:57:39 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
Growth charts for Egyptian girls between 2 to 21 years of age to be used by students for plotting the height, weight and body mass index for cases during clinical round إقراء المزيد

Growth charts for Egyptian boys from bir

2018-10-19 01:03:36 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
Growth charts for Egyptian boys from birth to 36 months of age to be used by students for plotting the height, weight and body mass index for cases during clinical round إقراء المزيد

Growth charts for Egyptian girls from bi

2018-10-19 01:06:50 Pediatric Endocrinology for undergraduate medical students
Growth charts for Egyptian girls from birth to 36 months of age to be used by students for plotting the height, weight and body mass index for cases during clinical round إقراء المزيد