
Moamen Bakhiet Ali Abdelaal

Teadching-Assistant - Assistant lecturer of internal veterinary medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Address: Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



The general clinical examination

2018-10-24 12:34:49 |

At the end of this section the students are able to know:

1. How to take temperature from different animal species, it's precaution and normal range between animal species, finaly know abnormal body temperature: hypothermia, hyperthermia and fever?

2. How to take pulse rate from different animal species?

3. How to take respiratory rate from different animal species?


2018-10-26 11:04:55 | The general clinical examination
Assignment 5
During your visits to the veterinary hospital, please examine temperature, pulse and respiratory rate of one of the animal species (support data by photos for methods)... Read more