A1-  Describe the basic physiological background of fertilization, implantation and early development of the fetus, placenta, and cord

A2- Describe the anatomical features and development of the female genital tract and their clinical application

A3- Describe the different placental functions and abnormalities, the theories of formation and functions of liquor amnii, and the basis of fetal circulation


 A4- Recognize high-risk pregnancies, their magnitude, and different etiologies with emphasis on preventable and avoidable causes and their management

A5- Enumerate biochemical testing of early pregnancy diagnosis and know how to diagnose pregnancy in each trimester

A6- Recognize the basic physiological changes produced by pregnancy occurring in each trimester and the basic principles of antenatal care

A7- Define; enumerate risk factors, pathogenesis, diagnosis, fate, complications and lines of management of bleeding in early pregnancy and in late pregnancies and obstetric shock)

A8- Mention diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and enumerate lines of management of  different medical disorders occurring during pregnancies

A9- Illustrate different methods of assessment of fetal well-being and recognize and utilize basic diagnostic tools such as electronic fetal monitoring, non-stress test, contraction stress test and biophysical profile

A10- Mention etiology, pathology, diagnosis, and management of amniotic fluid disorders (oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios/amnionitis), fetal growth disorders and Rh isoimmunization

A11. Enumerate indications and safety of ultrasound in obstetrics and findings in different conditions.

A12- Recognize the causes, diagnosis, and management of post-term pregnancy and hazards of post-maturity, prematurity, intrauterine fetal death



A13- Illustrate the basic and surgical anatomy of the female pelvis and fetal skull

A14- Explain the physiology, mechanism and management of normal labor and abnormal labor including different abnormal presentations and positions

A15- List the causes of complications of third stage of labor and outline their management.

A16- Mention indications, techniques, and complications of induction of labor

A17- Mention types, indications, technique, and complications of the obstetric forceps ,ventouse and cesarean section in modern obstetrics

A18- Define and describe the causes, complications and diagnosis and treatment of the common types of contracted pelvis, soft tissue obstruction, abnormal uterine action, obstructed labor, ruptured uterus and genital tract injuries during labor.



A19-Describe the physiological changes during puerperium and the recommended program of postnatal visits with abnormalities occurring in puerperium and their management.