Attempt ONLY FIVE of the following questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Question-1: Choose the most correct answer and write only the letter corresponding to the correct answer next to the question number in your answer sheet.
- Which of the following is used for grouping of characters into tokens?
- a) parser b) code optimizer c) code generator d) scanner
- Which of the following are language processor?
- a) assembler b) compilers c) interpreters d) all of the above
- The action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known as
- a) syntax analysis b) lexical analysis
- c) interpretation analysis d) general syntax analysis
- Compiler can diagnose
- a) grammatical errors only b) logical errors only
- c) grammatical as well as logical errors d) None of these
- A given grammar is said to be ambiguous if
- a) two or more productions have the same nonterminal on the left hand side
- b) a derivation tree has more than one associated sentence
- c) there is a sentence with more than one derivation tree corresponding to it
- d) brackets are not present in the grammar
- Whether a given pattern constitutes a token or not depends on the
- a) Source language b) Target language c) Compiler d) All of these
- Access time of the symbol table will be logarithmic, if it is implemented by
- a) Linear list b) search tree c) hash table d) self-organizing list
- How many tokens are contained in the following FORRTAN statement:
- a) 8 b) 10 c) 22 d) 24
- Pick the machine independent phase (s) of the compiler
- a) syntax analysis b) Lexical analysis
- c) intermediate code generation d) all of the above
- The value of the expression in postfix notation: 1 4 18 6 / 3 + + 2 /* is
- a) 12 b) 10 c) 5 d) 2
- Explain how scope information can be captured in symbol table.
- Distinguish between static vs. dynamic typing and strong vs. weak typing.
- Write a regular expression for a set of octal strings that starts and ends with the same character. Use only the basic operations.
- What are the main functions of preprocessors?
- Construct a finite automata that will accept a set of string of zeros and ones that contains an odd number of zeros and an even number of ones.
- Write an optimized 3AC for the following source code fragment:
x := 3; y := x + 12; z := y/x;
- Briefly describe the primary tasks of code generator.
- Identify the token and, lexemes in the following function:
function gcd (m, n: integer): integer;
if n = 0 then gcd := m
else gcd := gcd (n, m mod n)
end; (* end of gcd *)
- Write a register-based target code for the arithmetic expression x+(-y*z+u)*v
- Give three examples of semantic errors that a program may contain.
- Given the grammar G: E → E + E | E * E |(E) | id
Show the leftmost derivation and rightmost derivation for the sentence (id*id)+id.
- Construct a hierarchy of symbol tables for the following source code:
int x; void main(){ double x, z; ... } void f (int m) { float x, y; ... {int i, j; x=1; } {int x; L: x=2; } } |
int g(int n) { char c; {int i, j; x=5; } ... }
Then, associate each definition of x with its appropriate symbol table entry.
- What are the possible error recovery actions in lexical analysis?
- List three properties that an intermediate language should ideally have.
- Consider the following a block of source code:
x := y*z+x; w := y*z+x; z := y*z+x;
- Write a four address code for that block.
- With the help of depending algorithm, optimize the obtained four address code.
Best wishes,,,
Dr.-Ing. Samy Sadek