
أ.د صلاح رشدى أحمد عبد اللطيف

استاذ - أستاذ التوليد وأمراض النساء بكلية طب سوهاج ووكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب

كلية الطب

العنوان: قسم التوليد وأمراض النساء. كلية طب سوهاج - ش جامعة سوهاج.مدينة ناصر .محافظة سوهاج.ص .ب 82524



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: my

2018-10-09 07:45:02 الكلمات المفتاحية OME, Type (B) tympanometry, my,
Different Presentations of Secretory Otitis Media: How to Manage
_BACKGROUND:_ Secretory otitis media (SOM) is a pathologic condition of the middle ear in which an effusion is present behind an intact ear drum without signs of acute inflammation. Untreated cases might end in serious consequences as permanent anatomical abnormalities within middle ear cleft. Diagnosis of SOM depends mainly on audiological evaluation. Tympanometry is perhaps the most useful of all ... إقراء المزيد

2018-09-30 18:33:41 الكلمات المفتاحية Hysterectomy, hyponatremia, my,
Dynamic monitoring of dilutional hyponatremia during hystroscopic procedures: apossible underestimated hazard
Objective: To determine the frequency of hyponatremic complications and fluid overload during hystroscopic surgery. Design and setting:A prospective study in a tertiary care facility. Materials and methods: The study included 60 women who were scheduled for operative hysteroscopy for a variety of indications using the conventional unipolar electrosurgical device. Fluid intra vasation into the patients circulation was carefully monitored during ... إقراء المزيد

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