
Mostafa GamalEldeen Taha Redwan

Professor - Professor of Environmental Geology and Geochemistry at Sohag Faculty of Science-Geology Department

Faculty of science

Address: Sohag Faculty of Science, Geology dep., P.O. Box 82524, Sohag, Egypt


2018-09-05 14:33:28 | 0 | Environmental Geology
CIA index
_Calculate the CIA index_ Read more

2018-08-30 09:36:57 | 0 | Geological Engineering
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement
_STONE GENERALLY USED FOR ROADSTONE AGGREGATE: _ a) Sandstone. b) Limestone. c) Basalt. d) Schist. _EXCESSIVE WATER CAN BE INSTRUMENTAL IN REDUCING SHEAR STRENGTH AND PROMOTE MOVEMENT OF ROCK AND SEDIMENT DOWNSLOPE UNDER THE PULL OF GRAVITY BY:_ a) Reducing the natural cohesiveness between grains. b) Reducing friction at the base through increased fluid pressure. c) Decreasing gravitational attraction of ... Read more

Q 2

Q 2
الرسم التوضيحي يمثل قطاع عرضي لجزء من القشرة الأرضية والمطلوب : * ذكر المخاطر الجيولوجية التي يمكن أن تتواجد بالمنطقة. * تحديد أي الأماكن تُفَضل، ولماذا؟ أ- لبناء منطقة سكنية. ب- للتخلص من النفايات الصلبة. Read more

Q 1

Q 1
في ضوء العلاقة ما بين الأكسجين الذائب في الماء والأكسجين البيوكيميائي، أرسم العلاقة بينهما مع توضيح النطاقات المختلفه كما هو موضح في الرسم التالي: Read more

2018-08-30 08:54:30 | 0 | Environmental Geology
Quiz 3
A point source discharges organic waste into a stream. Which of the following graphs best depicts the expected pattern for dissolved oxygen (DO) in this stream as a function of distance from the discharge point? Read more

2018-08-30 08:51:15 | 0 | Environmental Geology
Quiz 2
* What name is given to the area of altered rock around the igneous intrusion? * What rock type will be quarried at A? * Suggest an economic use for this rock type and describe the properties of the rocj that make it suitable for this use. Read more

2018-08-30 08:44:18 | 0 | Environmental Geology
Quiz 1
The block diagram below illustrates a cross section through the Earth’s crust. The front panel reveals dipping (inclined) sedimentary rocks which include sandstone, shale and limestone. The heavy lines are stream channels. You are hired as an environmental geologist to help a developer decide which of the two possible localities is best for building homes. Compare building sites A and ... Read more

Calculation of Volumes
1- Calculate the required _VOLUME OF EXCAVATION_ for the following square area (in the above figure ) to a reduced level of 5.0 meter. Note that the area dimensions are 10 x 10 m. for each square. 2- Calculate the volume of filling for a road cross section its width is 10 m and the height of filling is 6 ... Read more

Plot a net (diagonal) scale 1: 600 read till 0.6 m and illustrate on it the reading 11.4 m. Read more

Engineering Leveling
The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level along a chain line at a common interval of 15 m. 1.5, 2.5, 4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.5, 1.0, 6.0, and 3.0 m. The first reading was at a reduced level (RL) of 60.5 m. If you know that the fourth and sixth points are turning points. Find the RL of ... Read more