Abstract: The aim to compare the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) between foley and silicone catheter. Descriptive exploratory design was utilized in this study. The study was conducted in the Urology department at Sohag University Hospital. A convenient sample of 120 patients male and female was included in this study. Tools were used for data collection, Tool (1) patient assessment sheet and Tool (2) post catheterization problems evaluation sheet. Results findings regarding to patients' characteristics revealed that, two third of patients (60.0%) aged between 31-50 years. As regard the length of hospital stay, half of foley catheterized patients (50.0%) admitting between 4-6 days, while (43.3%) of silicon catheterized patients admitting between 7-9 days. As regard the urine culture result, that more than three quarters of foley catheterized patients (76.7%) were positive culture result and two third of silicon catheterized patients (60.0%) were positive culture result. Conclusion significant relation was present between incidence of urinary tract infection and types of catheter, length of hospital (P= 0.03 and P= 0.001 respectively), while non-significant relation was present between incidence of urinary tract infection and patients sex. Recommendations use a sterile procedure for catheter insertion to reduce catheter associated infection. Increasing alert of health care staff about infection control and measure to prevent CAUTI through work shop, posters and health education.