In the present study three natural plant oils (Clove, Cumin and Garlic oils) were used to study their effect on different isolated mold spp. that isolated from 100 samples of meat products (25 of each of beef luncheon, frozen minced meat, frozen sausage and basterma) which was collected from supermarkets of different sanitation levels in Qena Governorate. The isolated mold were(A. niger, A. flavus, A. terreus, A.carenus, A.ocraceous, A.versicolour, Cladosporiummuscae, Penicilliumcryzogenum and Rhizopus). The obtained results showed that A. niger was not affected by any of oils used in this investigation. A.Versicolour was affected only by Clove and Cumin oils mixture. A. flavuswas inhibited by clove oil and mixtures of oils containing clove oil. While, A. carenus was inhibited by all oils except the Garlic oil. Also A. ocraceous was inhibited by all oils except the mixture of Cumin with Garlic oils. In conclusion, we recommended that using of Clove oil alone or mixed with Cumin oil in meat product processing as a way to prevent the growth of most molds and consequently we can avoid it's public health hazards and economic losses.