
Usama M Abdelaal Abdelkader

استاذ مساعد - أستاذ مساعد أمراض الباطنة (جهاز هضمي وكبد )

كلية الطب

العنوان: 28 ش عبدالرحمن بن عوف متفرع من طريق سوهاج-أسيوط. سوهاج ثاني



Gastroenterolog: Dyspepsia

2018-10-20 02:55:08 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
TYPE: Gastroenteroloy round session AUDIENCE : Medical students 5 th grade DURATION : 2 hours MAIN ITEMS : 1- definition 2- prevalance 3- causes 4- alam symptoms 5- role on endoscopy 6- managment and recommendations إقراء المزيد

Gastroenterolog: GI bleeding

2018-10-20 02:30:54 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
Type: Gastroenterology lecture Duration : one hour Audience : Medical students 5th grade Main contents : 1- Aetiology 2- Risk factors 3- Risk stratification 4- Clinical presentation 5- Clinical approach 6- Role of endoscopy إقراء المزيد

Gastroenterolog: Esophageal carcinoma

2018-10-20 02:23:01 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
TYPE : Gastroenterology Lecture DURATION : one hour AUDIENCE : Medical students 5th grade MAIN CONTENTS : 1- Pevelance 2- Risk factors 3- Clinical picture 4- Investigations 5- Role of endoscopy 6- endoscopic US: EUS 8 - Managment إقراء المزيد

Gastroenterolog: Esophageal motilty disorders (Achalasia)

2018-10-20 02:13:49 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
TYPE : Gastroenterology Lecture AUDIENCE : Medical students 5th grade DURATION : one hour MAIN CONTENTS : 1.Achalasia 2.Diffuse esophageal spasm. 3.Nutcracker’ esophagus 4.Others ; * Systemic sclerosis, or CREST syndrome. * Diabetes mellitus, * Esophageal pouch: Zenker , middle , and lower ones. * Neurological ... إقراء المزيد

Gastroenterolog: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease GERD

2018-10-20 01:45:22 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
Type : Gastroenteroloy Lecture Audience: Medical students grade 5th Duration: one hour Contents : 1- Esophygeal Structure 2- Mechanism of Swallowing 3- Anti-reflux mechanisms 4- Causes of GERD 5- Clinical pictures 6- Diagnosis 7- Medical Therapy 8- Endoscopic intervensions 9- Surgical hint of treatment 10- complication ... إقراء المزيد

Gastroenterolog: Oral Cavity

2018-10-20 01:12:42 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
TYPE : Lecture AUDIENTS : Medical students grade 5th DURATION: one hour MAIN CONTENTS : 1- Mouth ulcers 2- Salivary gland diseases 3- Tongue abdnormalities 4- Oral pigmentaion 5- Gum diseases إقراء المزيد

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