
غُني عبد الناصر علي

Professor - عميد كلية التمريض جامعه سوهاج

Faculty of Nursing

Address: كلية التمريض - جامعة سوهاج



Publications Which contain the keyword: knowledge

2025-01-07 15:53:13 Keywords knowledge, Perceived barriers,
Nurses’ Knowledge and Perceived Barriers to Carry out Pressure Ulcer Prevention Measures for Hospitalized Patients
Pressuer ulcer called perssuer sores represent a significant mdical conceren chracerttizd by lockalizd skin and undrlyinng sof issue damage Read more

Autism in Vietnam: Knowledge, training, and communication barriers among professionals, educators, and caregivers
Scopus -Second Document Alert New document alert called "International Journal of School and Educational Psychology" has found 2 new results : I am receiving this email message because a Scopus user with my email address : has created a Scopus alert on my behalf. This alert was based on the following query: ISSN(21683603) Read more

المعرفــة Knowledge
المعرفــة المعرفة هى مجموعة من المعانى والمعلومات والمفاهيم والتصورات الفكرية والمعتقدات التى تتكون لدى الفرد لمحاولاته المتكررة لمعرفة وفهم الظواهر والأشياء التى تحيط به ويعيش فيها وعليها وبها وتحت رحمتها فى كثير من الأحيان. ولقد تعدد الآراء حول تعريف المعرفة ونذكر من هذه الآراء: المعرفـة: هى مجموعة من المعانى والمعتقدات والأحكام والمفاهيم والتصورات الفكرية التى تتكون لدى الإنسان نتيجة لمحاولاته ... Read more

Knowledge and Skills levels of Sheep Raisers and Factors Affecting them in Assiut and sohag governorates
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS LEVELS OF SHEEP RAISERS AND FACTORS AFFECTING THEM IN ASSIUT AND SOHAG GOVERNORATES Abd-El Moneim, M., Abd-El Rahman* and Gamal, M., Solouma** * Department of Agricultural Economic, faculty of Agriculture – sohag university * Department of animal production, faculty of Agriculture – sohag university ABSTRACT The main Purpose of this research was to determine the extension Knowledge ... Read more

2018-10-17 12:34:18 Keywords knowledge, attitude, contraceptive methods, Sohag,
Knowledge and attitudes toward contraceptive methods in a sample of women attending the gynecological outpatient clinic of Sohag University Hospital
_ABSTRACT_ _BACKGROUND:_ Choosing a contraceptive method is affected to a large extent by the attitudes toward these methods. This study aimed to identify and compare the attitudes of the users toward the commonly used contraceptive methods. _PATIENTS AND METHODS:_ A descriptive cross sectional study was carried on married women who have at least one child and attended the outpatient clinic ... Read more

2018-10-17 14:08:57 Keywords knowledge, attitudes, practices, breastfeeding, expectant mothers, Sohag,
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of breastfeeding among a sample of expectant mothers attending the antenatal care clinic of Sohag University Hospital
_ABSTRACT:_ _OBJECTIVE:_ to explore the attitudes, knowledge and practices towards breastfeeding of the last baby and to explore the factors associated with non early initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour after birth and non exclusive breastfeeding for 5-6 months among a sample of expectant mothers. _PATIENTS AND METHODS:_ A descriptive cross sectional study was carried on pregnant women who ... Read more

Breast cancer: knowledge, attitudes and practices of women and health care provider: A program for screening in Sohag
Introduction: Breast cancer remains a worldwide public health concern despite the fact that mortality rates have been declining in some countries as a result of improvements in adjuvant therapy and screening for breast cancer. Despite therapeutic improvements, breast cancer mortality still remains important and varying according to regions (five years survival: 62 to 80% for the last years). The risk ... Read more

2018-09-10 18:17:10 Keywords attitude, knowledge, Reproductive health,
Reproductive health: knowledge and attitude among Sohag university students, Egypt.
Abstract: Introduction: The area of reproductive health is under investigated in Egypt due to cultural sensitivities. The aim of this study is to explore the knowledge and attitude toward reproductive health of university students and to identify factors affecting these knowledge and attitude. Subjects and Methods: This is a cross sectional study. Well structured questionnaire was used to collect the ... Read more

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